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Posts by old_user82483

Posts by old_user82483

1) Message boards : Cafe CPDN : Happy Birthday, CPDN! (Message 34862)
Posted 1 Sep 2008 by old_user82483
Thanks very much indeed, David. Carl deserves the credit for convincing us to join the BOINC community, which was definitely one of the best decisions we made. I still remember a conversation early in 2004 which ran something like
Carl: \"You need to make a decision on migrating to BOINC\",
Me: \"Ummm, well, what\'s the alternative?\",
Carl: \"You find a new software architect...\"

So, good call, Carl. There is no way the project would be where it is today if we had taken the lazy option and continued to go it alone. And all credit to you, David, for foreseeing the great network benefits of a common framework for distributed computing. Long live the BOINC community.

