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Credit Export
(Message 57474)
Posted 12 Dec 2017 by [BOINCstats] Willy Post: BOINCstats is looking in http://climateapps2.oerc.ox.ac.uk/stats/. This does not always work, when it doesn't then sometimes http://climateprediction.net/stats works. It is a long standing issue that the exports are not always available at the same location. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Team founder transfer page incomplete?
(Message 30438)
Posted 8 Sep 2007 by [BOINCstats] Willy Post: Any news on this? Hate to loose my team. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Team founder transfer page incomplete?
(Message 29948)
Posted 12 Aug 2007 by [BOINCstats] Willy Post: Some member with zero credit asked for a team found transfer for \'my\' team to him. So I clicked the link in the email to decline, but the page I get doesn\'t offer the option decline, I can only choose a new founder out of a list of members, in which I am not listed. So, how do I prevent this team founder transfer? If this works like the other projects, then if I do nothing the transfer will be done in three months. |
Questions and Answers :
Getting started :
teamname - encoding problem
(Message 28078)
Posted 23 Apr 2007 by [BOINCstats] Willy Post: I think the problem is in the way CPDN is exporting stats. In the XML file are these lines: <team> <id>5624</id> <type>6</type> <name>Universit�t der Bundeswehr M�nchen</name> .... Notice the HTML codes. When you put the team name in a html file and view it in a browser it translates to the wrong characters seen on BOINCstats. The wrong characters are also seen on other stats sites. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
First phase of migration of BBC/CCE to cpdn and standard version of boinc
(Message 26302)
Posted 23 Jan 2007 by [BOINCstats] Willy Post: If I understand this right -and hopefully I don\'t- it means that CPDN stats will not be updated by BOINCStats until the CPDN Classic credit is removed. Yikes! The decision to rerun the daily update was made by several people behind BOINCstats, we felt it was better to rerun instead of having loads of crunchers having negative credit the next day. As I understood it, Carl included all projects credits into CPDN and already exported XML files with this credit in it. This one was picked up by BOINCstats yesterday I think. The next export should only have CPDN + Classic + Spinup in it, this one I will use again. Anybody knows how much credit there is in Classic + Spinup? |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
First phase of migration of BBC/CCE to cpdn and standard version of boinc
(Message 26243)
Posted 21 Jan 2007 by [BOINCstats] Willy Post: I have no problems including the Spinup and Classic credits. I have a problem with moving credit from one BOINC project to another and from most BOINC users and my perspective CPDN, SAP and BBC are separate projects. Users of stats sites also like to see the \'old\' stats of retired projects (had this experience when Pirates went offline), and they like them included in their totals (see the percentage they crunched for each project). Merging the credits of CPDN, SAP and BBC into CPDN means dropping SAP and BBC from the totals on the stats sites (at least on BOINCstats) to prevent double counting of credits. This way users loose some accuracy in their stats. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
First phase of migration of BBC/CCE to cpdn and standard version of boinc
(Message 26235)
Posted 21 Jan 2007 by [BOINCstats] Willy Post: I\'ll take the trouble of posting here myself. I think it is totally unnecessary to merge the credit in the main project. The credits will still be on the users BOINC account on sites like BOINCstats and Boinc Synergy, as it always has been. But it looks like the harm is already done. This means I will have to make major changes to update scripts to prevent BBC and SAP credit to be included into the total credits, but there still should be a link the the individual projects, so it has to be included on another level. I can\'t say I\'m really happy with this, and I\'m considering to just drop the two projects from BOINCstats as that is the easiest one minute solution I can think off. But it will bring forth many complaints from users. I urge you to reconsider the merge, and educate the SAP and BBC users on the existence of the stats sites, and where their credit has gone. Without the merge the stats for SAP and BBC will be on BOINCstats for as long as BOINCstats exists, and the credit will be included into the BOINC total for the same time. The credit will not be lost. This is the way BOINC credit should work. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
XML stats problems
(Message 13246)
Posted 8 Jun 2005 by [BOINCstats] Willy Post: > I'm not sure if you can even query mysql on non-printable characters... It > would have to give you a way to enter the ASCII/hex codes for the characters. > Might be possible but I have never done it. > > You can do something like (PHP example): $sql = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE column LIKE '%".chr(02)."%'"; But I'm sure the developers are much better with SQL then I am. <a href="http://www.boincstats.com/"><img src="http://www.boincstats.com/stats/banner.php?cpid=a4c31845a9413499815907bae59136ac" border="0"> <img src="http://www.boincstats.com/stats/teambanner.php?teamname=BOINCstats" border="0"></a> |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
XML stats problems
(Message 12947)
Posted 30 May 2005 by [BOINCstats] Willy Post: Is the host problem going to be resolved? <img src="http://www.boincstats.com/stats/project_graph1.php?pr=cp&table=hosts"> |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Error report: Error when merging hosts.
(Message 12752)
Posted 21 May 2005 by [BOINCstats] Willy Post: I get this: Merging 110197 into 153517 Error: Couldn't update results error when trying to merge those host. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
XML stats problems
(Message 12728)
Posted 20 May 2005 by [BOINCstats] Willy Post: I watched to hosts XML closely the last days, and I think something is wrong here. There are less then 1 host per user, which can't be. In my personal stats I miss a lot of hosts. I thinks this needs to be looked at by the developers. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
XML stats problems
(Message 12693)
Posted 19 May 2005 by [BOINCstats] Willy Post: According to the host XML file CPDN lost half of the host supporting it. I could post a graph of it, but you can find it on BOINCstats in the CPDN projectoverview. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
empty post
(Message 6988)
Posted 16 Dec 2004 by [BOINCstats] Willy Post: Text removed |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Leaderboard gripe
(Message 5178)
Posted 10 Oct 2004 by [BOINCstats] Willy Post: Maybe this helps: <a href="http://www.boincstats.com/stats/host_graph.php?pr=cp&id=11065">http://www.boincstats.com/stats/host_graph.php?pr=cp&id=11065</a> <a href="http://www.boincstats.com/"><img src="http://www.boincstats.com/stats/banner.php?cpid=a4c31845a9413499815907bae59136ac" border="0"></a> |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
LHC@Home and Pirates@Home added to BOINCstats.
(Message 4568)
Posted 23 Sep 2004 by [BOINCstats] Willy Post: Title says it all! <a href="http://www.boincstats.com/"><img src="http://www.boincstats.com/stats/banner.php?cpid=a4c31845a9413499815907bae59136ac" border="0"></a> |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
BOINCstats update: compare users with same number of hosts
(Message 4355)
Posted 19 Sep 2004 by [BOINCstats] Willy Post: Compare your account with other users who have the same number of hosts. This way, you don't have to compare with users with 10 times the hosts you have! Go to your detailed user stats on <a href="http://www.boincstats.com">BOINCstats</a>, and click the 'Compare with users with the same number of hosts' link. What you get looks like the normal user stats, but filtered on your host-count. If you have less then 10 hosts, you'll be compared against users with the same number of hosts. All users (lets call them power-users) with 10 or more hosts are compared in one stat. This feature is not available in the BOINC overall stats! @Carl: could you ask the 'webguy' to put a link on the 'Other statistics' page to BOINCstats? <a href="http://www.boincstats.com/"><img src="http://www.boincstats.com/stats/banner.php?cpid=a4c31845a9413499815907bae59136ac" border="0"></a> |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Backup and Restore work
(Message 4290)
Posted 18 Sep 2004 by [BOINCstats] Willy Post: It is possible: Backup your C:\Program Files\BOINC to a safe location (thumbdrive?) Install your new computer, and copy the backupped BOINC folder to C:\Program Files. Then install the latest version of the BOINC core client. All attached projects will still be there, including the work-units and they'll be processed from the point you stopped the old computer. If there were no changes in the project-apps, everything will work right away. <a href="http://www.boincstats.com/"><img src="http://www.boincstats.com/stats/banner.php?cpid=a4c31845a9413499815907bae59136ac" border="0"></a> |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Thread closed
(Message 4289)
Posted 18 Sep 2004 by [BOINCstats] Willy Post: I didn't encounter this when I added LHC to some of my hosts. <a href="http://www.boincstats.com/"><img src="http://www.boincstats.com/stats/banner.php?cpid=a4c31845a9413499815907bae59136ac" border="0"></a> |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Thread closed
(Message 3787)
Posted 10 Sep 2004 by [BOINCstats] Willy Post: > ***Out of curiousity, how much do you assign Seti? For me it is 9% of my > CPU*** > My assigments at the moment are: CPDN: 44.25% Predictor: 0.44% (this is in error because the project is down, it will be the same as SETI when it comes back online) SETI: 44.25% LHC: 11.06% ==================== <a href="http://www.boincstats.com/">BOINC user, team and country stats</a> |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Thread closed
(Message 3782)
Posted 10 Sep 2004 by [BOINCstats] Willy Post: Don't be so harch on the credits! The credits are here for the fun, and for the attraction to the projects. You can join a project for the science, or for the credits (or some other reasons). Either way: the projects gets work done, and people are having fun with it. It's like the olympics: Participating is more important then winning... Then why the heck are they trying so hard to be first (and break some world-record at the same time). I like to watch at my personal stats every day, to see how much I have done, and how well I'm doing compared to others. I see no harm in that. I'm also very interested in the science. I believe that there are some aliens out there. I value the work of predictor, and I see the importance of CPDN. I have a litte trouble understanding what LHC is all about, and how we can benefit from that, but hey, why not give them 5% of my CPU time. Just my 2 cents (and please ignore that I maintain BOINCstats ;) ) ==================== <a href="http://www.boincstats.com/">BOINC user, team and country stats</a> |
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