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Posts by old_user80809

Posts by old_user80809

1) Message boards : Number crunching : 2 BOINC Projects and too little time (Message 13249)
Posted 8 Jun 2005 by old_user80809
Greetings !

I participate to Seti@home and now to climate predicton. As we all know, there is a limited period of time to send back the downloaded work.

In Ciimateprediction, I received 3 units, and I should have them processed for 21/06/06. How can I do that when I read that it will take me something like 475 hour for each WU ? I still have my seti@home units to process and I also need my computer for my day-to-day work. And yet, I prudently choose to ask for only 3 days of work !

It\'s sort of a puzzle for me !
