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Posts by gemini8

1) Message boards : Number crunching : OpenIFS Discussion (Message 68419)
Posted 22 Feb 2023 by gemini8
To stop it, be the root user and type systemctl stop boinc-client
I suppose you can start it by typing systemctl start boinc-client, but I have never tried it.

The second line works as you figured.
There's also systemctl restart boinc-client.
Don't know if it stops gracefully and then starts again or just does some kind of forced stop and restart.
I mainly use this for PrimeGrid when fiddling with the xml files for the projects' rock solid apps, or when I just want to get things done really quick.

Btw.: Some distributions or Boinc packages have problems with the Boinc installation and forget to install the autostarting of Boinc.
If you happen to have a non-autostarting Boinc client you can use systemctl enable boinc-client.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : OpenIFS Discussion (Message 68378)
Posted 19 Feb 2023 by gemini8
Usually there's a feature in the Boinc Server software to send beta-tasks to users via the client if those users have opted-in to receive those tasks.
I would have done so btw. if the CPDN preferences had supported this. ;-)
3) Message boards : Number crunching : no credit awarded? (Message 68212)
Posted 6 Feb 2023 by gemini8
Yes, I know. But for testing purposes I would rather develop & test on the real hardware - it just make diagnosing problems more certain.

You could roll out a Macintosh version for Intel and/or ask for someone who is ready to test on Silicon.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : no credit awarded? (Message 68199)
Posted 4 Feb 2023 by gemini8
I do have a mac version of OpenIFS that could be rolled out with a bit more work. Unfortunately I don't have any the new Apple silicon to test it out on and neither do CPDN (it's built on High Sierra).

You don't necessarily need an Apple Silicon machine.
AFAIK the ARM based Macs do have an emulation layer for Intel applications, so if you have an Intel app it should run on an ARM equipped Mac as well provided it has been built on 64-bit only code.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : How to Prevent OpenIFS Download (Message 68180)
Posted 2 Feb 2023 by gemini8
Actually I don't really know how this works.
Does Boinc use just this bit of the already existing swap the system has, or does Boinc use additional disk space?

I'm running Linux which has a very small footprint, so if the swap gets swamped it should be other things than Linux itself.
On a cruncher which does no other stuff on the side, swap should hardly be used, especially with my settings.
So if it is used nonetheless, Boinc doesn't behave correctly, does it?

Actually I could see that with CPDN tasks remaining in memory even when they are put aside the system could offload them into swap until they're active again.
6) Message boards : Number crunching : How to Prevent OpenIFS Download (Message 68107)
Posted 29 Jan 2023 by gemini8
When computer is in use, use at most 100 %
When computer is not in use, use at most 100 %

It hasn't to be 100%, but both should use the same size.

Ran my Boinc like this for years, because it seems sensible.
Also set use of the Swap to 1%.
7) Message boards : Number crunching : The uploads are stuck (Message 67986)
Posted 23 Jan 2023 by gemini8
Well, Boinc can be some kind of stress-test for all sorts of computer-related functions, be it cooling, space in memory, space on disks, or network throughput beside others. ;-)
8) Message boards : Number crunching : w/u failed at the 89th zip file (Message 67930)
Posted 21 Jan 2023 by gemini8
I second the notion of decreasing the memory load.
With 'just' 24 gigs of RAM I'd reduce CPDN to three tasks or drop WCG altogether for the moment.
9) Message boards : Number crunching : The uploads are stuck (Message 67812)
Posted 17 Jan 2023 by gemini8
The point is that Boinc has this feature which the project CPDN can't circumvent, and no other project can.
You as user could have, but you didn't know about this.
This is quite a bitter pill, and I'm sorry you have to gulp it down.
10) Message boards : Number crunching : Why does this task fail ? (Message 67810)
Posted 17 Jan 2023 by gemini8
Okay, here is the next failed WU and I ask again, why has this WU failed:

I'm seeing not stderr out.
That's quite strange.
11) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : *** Running 32bit CPDN from 64bit Linux - Discussion *** (Message 67809)
Posted 17 Jan 2023 by gemini8
Additionally I don't think you even need to add the i386 architecture (at least in Ubuntu), just install the one package.
If you're interested in testing, I'd be interested in results as I don't have Debian.

Won't try it on my machines that just got it, but if I remember to try this out I'll do it next time I setup a Debian VM.
12) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : *** Running 32bit CPDN from 64bit Linux - Discussion *** (Message 67769)
Posted 16 Jan 2023 by gemini8
sudo apt install lib32ncurses6 lib32z1 lib32stdc++-9-dev

This one is listed for Ubuntu 21.
I also successfully used it on Debian 11 after adding i386 through dpkg.
Two tasks are running now.
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Upload server is out of disk space (Message 67750)
Posted 15 Jan 2023 by gemini8
Dirty explanation, I hope you understand it.
Somehow my brain wont give me the right english words I want today...

Don't find any dirt there.
I'm under the impression that your brain actually isn't able to acknowledge your English is fine.
14) Message boards : Number crunching : no credit awarded? (Message 67749)
Posted 15 Jan 2023 by gemini8
my signature box (below) seems to know I am getting credits (though I do not know if it is up-to-date).

Your signature box is getting its information through Boincstats.
Boincstats is calculating your average credit on its own.
Projects differ about how to calculate their average, so it's fine to have a single method through Boincstats.
15) Message boards : Number crunching : One of my computers is hoarding tasks and I don't know why (Message 67733)
Posted 15 Jan 2023 by gemini8
One of my computers keeps getting more OIFS tasks and I really, truly don't understand why. It runs one CPDN task at a time via an app_config.xml file. It has the same work buffer settings as my other computers, which is to get 0.1 days of work plus up to an additional 1 day.

One of my machines has a similar behaviour on another project and downloads the full 1000 tasks per target it can get without being able to do them before the deadline.
I think the Boinc Client has a hickup.
16) Message boards : Number crunching : Upload server is out of disk space (Message 67723)
Posted 14 Jan 2023 by gemini8
Always check with the User manual.

That's a shortened output of boinccmd --help.
The command 'boinccmd --set_network_mode always' doesn't do anything, but that's because it's set to 'always' in boinctui. I was after a boinccmd option that would do the same as the
the 'retry' tools in BOINC Manager
but there doesn't seem to be one, which seems strange. The nearest seemed to be the '--network_available retry deferred network communication'. I'll just wait it out.

I think you would need to write some script that gets the upload files' names and then tells any of them to upload.
That's what the Boinc Manager does, but as it's in a GUI it seems so simple. ;-)
17) Message boards : Number crunching : The uploads are stuck (Message 67581)
Posted 11 Jan 2023 by gemini8
Curious for folks with no problem connecting, are you able to ping

I still couldn't connect, but given the latency, I more or less expect to be the last wave. I just don't want to keep retrying in BOINC since it has the tendency to upload partial files. If ping can give me the signal, that would be much easier for me to know when I might be able to upload.

I was able to upload my files a while ago, but atm a ping isn't getting through.
Trying from Hanover, Germany.
18) Message boards : Number crunching : If you have used VirtualBox for BOINC and have had issues, please can you share these? (Message 67579)
Posted 11 Jan 2023 by gemini8
Yeti, just like the avatar, is a legend, when it comes to VBox and BOINC, just check out those troubleshooting guides! :-)

What troubleshooting guides? Can someone direct me? Might be useful for development purposes.

The checklist mentioned in this posting.
19) Message boards : Number crunching : Tasks failing on Ubuntu 22 (Message 67578)
Posted 11 Jan 2023 by gemini8
Is it fine to assume the tasks are ok when uploaded and not flagged erroneous?
If so, leaving them in memory should have been the only thing to resolve the task of getting work done and not trashing it.

If the 'Outcome' on the task result webpage is shown as 'Success', then yes.

Ah, there.
I see.
20) Message boards : Number crunching : Tasks failing on Ubuntu 22 (Message 67566)
Posted 11 Jan 2023 by gemini8
Is it fine to assume the tasks are ok when uploaded and not flagged erroneous?
If so, leaving them in memory should have been the only thing to resolve the task of getting work done and not trashing it.

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