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Posts by Alez

Posts by Alez

1) Message boards : Cafe CPDN : The Scottish Boinc Team - Old and new members, we have new forum and web pages. (Message 56182)
Posted 9 May 2017 by Alez

Come along and join The Scottish Boinc Team (established in 1999 as Scotland's Seti), one of the oldest and most successful BOINC teams crunching today. New web pages are available at

We crunch for all current BOINC projects and are always at the forefront of adding new projects that start up within BOINC. Our aim is to use our spare or dedicated computing power to advance human knowledge while enjoying some friendly competition amongst ourselves and with other teams. If you want to be part of a lively, friendly team, please come join us, everyone is welcome.

Join the TSBT Team Forum. Take part in shaping your teams future, chat with other members, get help and advice or help others. We participate in all BOINCstats Team challenges and hold competitions both within our own team and with other rival teams. We maintain a very informative, user and newbie friendly, forum with our own team statistics, team and individual milestones, BOINC project and hardware information across all supported platforms and lots of help. Join us, you will be assured of a very warm welcome and it's easy to do.

Have a look round our forum, the heart of the team.

Guests can read certain parts of the forum without registration.Theres a guest forum where you can stop by and say hi.
Registered members will be able to immediately post and be granted access to additional areas of the forum. Active TSBT members can gain access to the private team areas by request.
Full instructions on joining are available along with the forum rules on the website.
News updates from all active projects are also part of the forum along with other features in development.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : My laptop is now a "new" computer (Message 52441)
Posted 18 Aug 2015 by Alez
Did you attach it to a new project ?
Most common reason is attaching to a new project and the system in question gets issued a new CPID. Simply merge the computers, as you did, and all your stats will line up with the new CPID.
It could also be that for some reason it got reconnected to seti and that caused it to get a new CPID because it had been away for so long.
3) Questions and Answers : Windows : WINDOWS 10 (Message 52436)
Posted 17 Aug 2015 by Alez
If you look at the unit reports all your units are crashing with the generic code 22 error

The device does not recognize the command.
(0x16) - exit code 22 (0x16)
Suspended CPDN Monitor - Suspend request from BOINC...
Controller:: CPDN process is not running, exiting, bRetVal = 1, checkPID=0, selfPID=7328, iMonCtr=1
Model crash detected, will try to restart...
Controller:: CPDN process is not running, exiting, bRetVal = 1, checkPID=0, selfPID=7328, iMonCtr=1
Model crash detected, will try to restart...
Controller:: CPDN process is not running, exiting, bRetVal = 1, checkPID=0, selfPID=7328, iMonCtr=1
Model crash detected, will try to restart...
Controller:: CPDN process is not running, exiting, bRetVal = 1, checkPID=0, selfPID=7328, iMonCtr=1
Model crash detected, will try to restart...
Controller:: CPDN process is not running, exiting, bRetVal = 1, checkPID=0, selfPID=7328, iMonCtr=1
Model crash detected, will try to restart...
Controller:: CPDN process is not running, exiting, bRetVal = 1, checkPID=0, selfPID=7328, iMonCtr=1
Model crash detected, will try to restart...
Sorry, too many model crashes! :-(
12:24:41 (7328): called boinc_finish


Have you excluded the boinc directory from any virus scan ? Are you running the windows screensaver ?

some generic advice to try and stop code 22 errors here

It could also be lack of memory but I see you have 4GB installed, how much free memory do you have available ?

4) Message boards : Number crunching : workunit time expired (Message 47645)
Posted 25 Nov 2013 by Alez
Ok, thanks for the quick reply. I will run them to completion then.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : workunit time expired (Message 47643)
Posted 25 Nov 2013 by Alez
I currently have two units running which have expired.

How long will these units be valid for ? Should I abort them or can the time be extended so I can complete them ?
