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Posts by old_user6591

Posts by old_user6591

1) Message boards : Number crunching : CPDN Boinc memory footprint (Message 2868)
Posted 3 Sep 2004 by old_user6591
And at least under Linux, assuming the code naming is accurate, seems to be optimised for i686 instructions, ruling out Pentium Classic based machines.

There must be a fair few systems of that generation sidelined to firewall or family file server duties, which would make ideal contributors.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : CPDN Boinc memory footprint (Message 2687)
Posted 2 Sep 2004 by old_user6591
As a recent convert from S@H I have been looking at transferring some resources to the CPDN project. In my limited experimentation so far on both Win32 and Linux systems, the memory footprint for the CPDN client appears to be around 45-50 MB compared to the 16MB or so of the Seti client.

Is this by design for the project as a whole or have I been unfortunate to download a particularly heavy chunk of the code. If by design, then this would rather preclude, or at least be a negative factor in running CPDN on live systems such as web/file servers which are idle and underused a lot of the time, and in many ways the most ethical platform to run DC projects on as they are powered up 24/7 by necessity. 50MB could be an appreciable proportion of the memory on a small webserver, which will benefit from all available resources at peak usage.

I shall probably stick with S@H on such platforms and run CPDN on workstations, it at least sits quietly on a chair in the corner eating up unused CPU cycles rather than occupying half the sofa :-)
