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Posts by Andy Bowery

Posts by Andy Bowery

1) Message boards : News : New batch going out to volunteer's machines: STORMS, investigating how low-pressure systems may change in the future (Message 70974)
Posted 12 Jun 2024 by Andy Bowery
Project: Quantifying controls on the intensity, variability and impacts of extreme European STORMS
by Clément Bouvier and Victoria Sinclair (University of Helsinki)

Throughout the year, low-pressure systems regularly move across Europe, usually from west to east, bringing cloud, rain and windy weather. Sometimes these weather systems can become very intense, and the winds and rain associated with them can cause damage to buildings and infrastructure, flooding, and can disrupt electricity supply and travel. Although the short-term weather forecasts of these storms are now quite accurate, it still remains uncertain how these storms, and their impacts, are likely to change in the future as our climate changes. Some of this uncertainty is because our understanding of what controls the strength and impacts of these storms is incomplete.

The aim of this project is to understand what controls the strength and structure of these low-pressure systems. We will quantify how the atmospheric state that the low-pressure systems develop in affects the strength and structure of these low-pressure systems. This atmospheric state can be described by various parameters, for example, the mean temperature, moisture content, and upper-level wind speeds (i.e. the strength and width of the jet stream). Since there are lots of different parameters we want to study (not just the ones described above), we want to do lots of experiments in a high controlled manner. Therefore, we will run a large ensemble of simulations of idealised low-pressure systems using the numerical weather prediction model OpenIFS. Although the simulations are idealised, the weather systems that develop look very like real weather systems that we observed in reality. Each ensemble member differs in its initial atmospheric state, and we choose these initial states to cover everything from the current climate to past pre-industrial climates to the most extreme future climate projections. This is exciting because although idealised simulations of low-pressure systems have been performed before, this is the first time that such an extensive exploration of the parameter space will be conducted.

Once we have the results from the large ensemble, we will calculate different measures of the strength of the storms and then use machine learning techniques to see how these relate to the initial states. Our results will hopefully increase in confidence in how these storms and their impacts will change in the future.

Technical information:
Run time: between 8 and 9 hours for 1 workunit (1 core, Xeon Gold 6230)
Number of files: 480 files
Maximum size of individual files: 1.3MB for 2D fields output files, 13.3MB for spectral output files, 7.1MB for 3D fields output files
Total disk load: 2.0GB
2) Message boards : News : BOINC Needs Votes at a UN Upcoming Forum (Message 70671)
Posted 26 Mar 2024 by Andy Bowery
BOINC is a finalist for an notable award, and needs your vote (*by Sunday)

The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) ( is a United Nations-sponsored initiative aimed at harnessing the potential of information and communication technologies to build inclusive and equitable information societies worldwide. BOINC has been nominated for a prize at the 2024 forum (, and has passed initial hurdles; the next and last step ("Phase 3") requires public votes. The award would be a very nice boost and validation for BOINC and all our projects; if we can get our communities to vote, we should have a decent shot at this point...

Voting is pretty simple, takes just a few minutes; instructions are here:

(*The deadline for votes is Thursday April 04 (23:00 UTC+02:00))
3) Message boards : Number crunching : The uploads are stuck (Message 69992)
Posted 26 Oct 2023 by Andy Bowery
Hi All,

I am afraid the JASMIN service where this facility I understand is being worked on at present by their infrastructure team. So I am afraid uploads will continue to be denied.
4) Message boards : News : New study going out to volunteer's machines (Message 68386)
Posted 20 Feb 2023 by Andy Bowery
Indian Ocean experiment

This experiment aims to evaluate the importance of the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) event of the winter 2019/2020 on the strong and well predicted North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) of the same winter. The NAO is of large importance to European winter weather as it governs the winds over the North Atlantic which are related to the mild and wet winters of northern Europe. It has been shown that the NAO is in some years influenced by anomalous tropical ocean conditions (like El Nino). We aim to show that the strong positive IOD of 2019/2020 had an influence on the NAO and resulting warm conditions of this winter. We use the large ensemble of the OpenIFS@Home to identify the connections between the tropical Indian Ocean and the North Atlantic region.

Technical information

CPDN app-name: oifs_43r3
Run time: ~8 hrs/task on a modern CPU
Max memory: ~7Gb
Total number of files: 783 files
Model output: 8.5Mb per output step (uncompressed)
Total size of uploaded files: 2.6GB
Checkpoint filesize: ~800Mb (these are periodically created & deleted in the slot dir and not uploaded)

(The total size of the upload is one member zipped.)
5) Message boards : News : New study going out to volunteer's machines (Message 68287)
Posted 13 Feb 2023 by Andy Bowery
STORMS: Investigating how low-pressure systems may change in the future

(actual project name - “Quantifying controls on the intensity, variability and impacts of extreme European STORMS”)

Victoria Sinclair, Clément Bouvier
Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research,
University of Helsinki, Finland

Throughout the year, low-pressure systems regularly move across Europe, usually from west to east, bringing cloud, rain and windy weather. Sometimes these weather systems can become very intense, and the winds and rain associated with them can cause damage to buildings and infrastructure, flooding, and can disrupt electricity supply and travel. Although the short-term weather forecasts of these storms are now quite accurate, it still remains uncertain how these storms, and their impacts, are likely to change in the future as our climate changes. Some of this uncertainty is because our understanding of what controls the strength and impacts of these storms is incomplete.

The aim of this project is to understand what controls the strength and structure of these low-pressure systems. We will quantify how the atmospheric state that the low-pressure systems develop in affects the strength and structure of these low-pressure systems. This atmospheric state can be described by various parameters, for example, the mean temperature, moisture content, and upper-level wind speeds (i.e. the strength and width of the jet stream). Since there are lots of different parameters we want to study (not just the ones described above), we want to do lots of experiments in a high controlled manner. Therefore, we will run a large ensemble of simulations of idealised low-pressure systems using the numerical weather prediction model OpenIFS. Although the simulations are idealised, the weather systems that develop look very like real weather systems that we observed in reality. Each ensemble member differs in its initial atmospheric state, and we choose these initial states to cover everything from the current climate to past pre-industrial climates to the most extreme future climate projections. This is exciting because although idealised simulations of low-pressure systems have been performed before, this is the first time that such an extensive exploration of the parameter space will be conducted.

Once we have the results from the large ensemble, we will calculate different measures of the strength of the storms and then use machine learning techniques to see how these relate to the initial states. Our results will hopefully increase in confidence in how these storms and their impacts will change in the future.

Technical information:

Please ensure 'Leave non-GPU tasks in memory while suspended' is set in Disk/Memory options of boincmgr

CPDN app-name: oifs_43r3_bl
Run time: ~6 hrs/task on a modern CPU
Max memory: ~7Gb
Total number of files: 354 files
Model output: 16Mb per output step (uncompressed)
Total size of uploaded files: 1.5GB
Checkpoint filesize: ~800Mb (these are periodically created & deleted in the slot dir and not uploaded)[/b]
6) Message boards : News : Request to volunteers to please enable: 'Leave non-GPU tasks in memory' (Message 67368)
Posted 5 Jan 2023 by Andy Bowery
The OpenIFS model batches require the option 'Leave non-GPU in memory while suspended' to be enabled under boincmgr -> Disk&Memory. This will prevent the task from frequently restarting and reduce the risk of task failure.
7) Message boards : News : Request for volunteers running pre-7.10 BOINC clients to update, due to an issue with pre-7.10 client versions not being able to connect with the project (Message 65193)
Posted 21 Feb 2022 by Andy Bowery
Could we please ask project volunteers to update their BOINC client software to the latest version. There is currently an issue with older client versions (pre-7.10) not being able to communicate with the project. Updating your BOINC client software to the latest version will alleviate this issue.
8) Message boards : News : Reminder for Unix/Linux Volunteers to ensure they have installed the 32-bit compatibility libraries (Message 61370)
Posted 24 Oct 2019 by Andy Bowery
Just a reminder to all volunteers running in Unix/Linux. Unix/Linux machines need to have the 32-bit compatibility libraries manually installed. If these libraries are not installed workunits will crash when running. See the forum for more information on this:
9) Message boards : News : project GDPR Compliance (Message 61038)
Posted 27 Sep 2019 by Andy Bowery
The project has now completed it's work on GDPR compliance. This has a number of effects:
- New users will only be able to create an account via the web site.
- Existing users will be asked to consent to the project terms and conditions next time they login to the web site.
- For all users there will be a new preference in the project preferences: 'Do you consent to exporting your data to BOINC statistics aggregation Web sites?'. By default this become 'No'. If you wish to continue to have your statistics exported to the BOINCstats site, you will need to logon to the website and go to and select the tick box.
10) Message boards : Number crunching : stats exsport (Message 55417)
Posted 3 Jan 2017 by Andy Bowery
Stats now available at:
11) Message boards : News : Welcome to the News message board! (Message 54627)
Posted 10 Aug 2016 by Andy Bowery
This message board will host the latest news from the
12) Questions and Answers : Getting started : Temporarily failed upload (Message 46440)
Posted 18 Jun 2013 by Andy Bowery

This issue is now fixed, the issue was with the file_upload_handler script on the server uploader1.atm, the script has now been recompiled and is functioning correctly.


13) Message boards : Number crunching : Welcome back! (Message 45322)
Posted 13 Dec 2012 by Andy Bowery
Message from the Project Team: Unscheduled Downtime - Fire in local electricity substation

Our apologies for the unscheduled downtime of the project over these last few days, unfortunately the facilities hosting the servers of suffered a number of consecutive power outages over the weekend these were the result of a fire in the electricity substation for the area.

Over the last few days project staff have been working to stagger the restoration of services. The CPDN BOINC back-end service has now been restored and uploads should now be proceeding.

We thank you for your patience over these last few days as the project staff have been dealing with this issue.
