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1) Questions and Answers : Windows : Message from server - platform not found
Message 30926 Posted 10 Oct 2007 by darknightcl |
Hey, I went and checked through the message boards on the other projects I run to be certain of this. Apparently most of the projects I run DON\'T have true 64-bit apps. They have 32-bit apps disguised (and advertised) as 64-bit apps, so, I\'ve compromised. I\'ve re-installed the 32-bit client and will use it until my current model finishes. After that I\'m switching (since at least SIMAP DOES have a true 64 bit app), and if Climate Prediction doesn\'t have the servers upgraded I guess I won\'t be able to get more work until they find the time to upgrade. Another thought. I seem to remember reading on the SETI site (at least I think it was SETI) that BOINC was originally intended to allow the project to use spare disk space on the client machines, I don\'t know whether this has been implemented, and there are probably people who don\'t want the project storing its files on their computers, but it might be worth investigating. Of course, there\'s that funny issue of finding time. |
2) Questions and Answers : Windows : Message from server - platform not found
Message 30861 Posted 7 Oct 2007 by darknightcl |
Hey, I was hoping I could get an update on when the server software will be updated to support 64bit clients. And no, I won\'t switch back to the 32 bit client, as some of the projects I run do use 64 bit apps. Thanks. |
3) Message boards : climateprediction.net Science : sea levels
Message 23397 Posted 27 Jun 2006 by darknightcl |
Can the sea levels in the model rise if the ice caps (in the modelled world) start melting? |
4) Message boards : climateprediction.net Science : fortran runtime errors and a question about the model
Message 23355 Posted 23 Jun 2006 by darknightcl |
I\'m sorry I guess I wasn\'t clear enough. I\'m not worried about our real ice caps in this case (I think my Conservation biology prof said they could take up to 1000 years to melt - even then not completely, and it all depends on how much carbon dioxide we dump into the atmosphere), I was wondering about the ice caps in the model. I was wondering if the sea levels can rise in the modelled world. I realise that the change is small, perhaps only 1.5m (if anything) over the course of the model simulation, but it still needs to be accounted for. So, can the model allow for a change in the sea levels in the simulation (even if the graphics can\'t show it)? On a happier note, my model passed the point at which it failed last time, with no problems, and seems to be doing well. |
5) Message boards : climateprediction.net Science : fortran runtime errors and a question about the model
Message 23346 Posted 22 Jun 2006 by darknightcl |
Hi, A few days ago the climate model I\'m running (coupled experiment) generated a fortran runtime error and lost a year of calculation. Right now it is recalculating that year and is almost to the point it failed at before. Since the failure it has started trickling more frequently, usually every time the model starts. The graphics also perpetually display \"calculating yearly data\". Unfortunately I did not take a close look at the error message that was displayed, but I was hoping that someone might have some insight into the problem. Now for the question about the model itself. If the climate warms enough to cause polar ice caps, like Greenland, to melt, will the model adjust the sea levels to take into account this melting? Will the graphics reflect that change by redrawing the coastlines? Thanks. |
6) Questions and Answers : Windows : Sulphur Cycle Graphics
Message 22219 Posted 20 Apr 2006 by darknightcl |
\'Q\' is Sulphur Emissions. Thanks! |
7) Questions and Answers : Windows : Sulphur Cycle Graphics
Message 22191 Posted 19 Apr 2006 by darknightcl |
Hi, I\'m running a Sulphur Cycle workunit right now, with sulphur_cycle 4.22 as the program and have a question about the graphics. What is displayed when you press \"Q\"? Just so that we\'re all on the same page it is a mostly blue globe with large swatches of red, and a little bit of green and yellow. What does this represent? Just so you don\'t think I\'m an idiot, there is absolutely nothing in the view to indicate what it is. |
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