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Posts by old_user2980

Posts by old_user2980

1) Message boards : Cafe CPDN : The environmental impact of running (Message 3385)
Posted 7 Sep 2004 by Profile old_user2980
Does anyone have any thoughts on how environmentally responsible it is to keep computers on all day just to run I would probably use my computer for other tasks about 5 hours per day.
I live in California's Central Valley where it gets quite hot in the summer, and air conditioners already stress the power system. And of course we had the energy crisis a few years ago.

Whatever the cost to the consumer of the electricity - and in some areas that cost is the result of government subsidies or cost increase regulations - the electricity has to come from somewhere, and most of the electricity in the U.S. comes from burning fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, oil, etc.) or nuclear. The increase in power demand caused by users is probably quite small - almost trivial - compared the total electricity used (and wasted), but it is not zero, so running presumably has some impact on the environment. Any thoughts on whether it is worth it? What about for other BOINC projects like SETI@Home or Predictor@Home?

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