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Posts by old_user2694

Posts by old_user2694

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Long "Time to completion" after crash (Message 9827)
Posted 23 Feb 2005 by old_user2694
> Whether to continue may well be decided by the stability of the computer.
> Have you run the usual tests?
&gt; <a href="">Prime95</a>
&gt; <a href="">Memtest</a>
&gt; <a href="">SuperPi</a>

All tests completed several times over, machine is stable esp now it is powered with a tagan 480w psu :) Was originally on a 300w - not recommended with that P4, melted a molex connector! Crashing was just down to software incompatabilities.

&gt; The long finish time might be caused by BOINC getting confused. It's a bit
&gt; buggy in several areas.
&gt; &gt; does not trickle
&gt; Do you mean that it doesn't create trickle files in the project directory, or
&gt; that they don't show up on
&gt; your Accounts page? The latter may just be the server waiting until you catch
&gt; up to where you were before the crash.

Nothing appearing on the stats page but will check the machine when I get home as my wife does not like me remote controlling the pc while she is on it :)

&gt; Impressive machine, though.
&gt; I've toyed with the idea of pushing my 3.2 Northwood a bit, but it's rock
&gt; solid as it is, power failures and all.
&gt; So I've decided to remain a 'tortise', and not try to be a 'hare'.

I did have a 3Ghz until I found Intel were about to stop making northwoods so managed to find one of the last 3.4Ghz chips in stock in the UK - mind you paid a price for it :(

2) Message boards : Number crunching : Long "Time to completion" after crash (Message 9822)
Posted 23 Feb 2005 by old_user2694
This has happened quite a few times on the same machine.

If something crashes the machine (had recent problems with a firewall + XPSP2) and BOINC is running, when the machine reboots and loads BOINC, one of the models says its going to take over 9000+ days to finish, this figure goes down over a couple of days (in a day it now shows 900+ days). The work does not trickle whereas the other one on the HT proc does.

Is it best to end this model rather than wait for it to finish as it currently sits outside the deadline date :(

It has had the same problem no matter which version of BOINC I use, currently 4.19.

System: Northwood 3.4C @ 3.7Ghz temp 41-47c, HT enabled, 1GB, watercooled.
