Questions and Answers :
Windows :
Units are not uploaded
(Message 59520)
Posted 27 Jan 2019 by mewbysea Post: Thanks Les, you pegged it. I'll abort those remaining zips. |
Questions and Answers :
Windows :
Units are not uploaded
(Message 59516)
Posted 26 Jan 2019 by mewbysea Post: I've got 4 trickle uploads from one project that are partially completed but won't finish. They may have been partially uploaded and gotten hung up when the computer was taken off-line for 10 days. The event log is claiming transient http error, but the rest of the transfer queue cleared and nothing else is waiting. Is there a way to restart those uploads from scratch? Other options? |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
HadCM3 short - errors galore
(Message 50454)
Posted 10 Oct 2014 by mewbysea Post: I've had several windows pop-ups like that, and the same line and position in the stack trace. The stderr indicates: Model crashed: REPLANCA: PP HEADERS ON ANCILLARY FILE DO NOT MATCH for this wu: http://climateapps2.oerc.ox.ac.uk/cpdnboinc/result.php?resultid=17188795 |
Questions and Answers :
Windows :
Boinc Manager asks for adminaccount
(Message 34155)
Posted 26 Jun 2008 by mewbysea Post: How can i get started the boinc manager without adminprivileges? it should be running in normal user account. I have not had a problem running this as a user when BOINC is not set to run at start-up. Just say \"allow\" when the somewhat annoying Vista Pop-up that you apparently can\'t teach asks you if it is OK to run the program. |
Message boards :
climateprediction.net Science :
LARGE project??
(Message 29746)
Posted 28 Jul 2007 by mewbysea Post: That would be a great help. Assuming it would be applicable to APS@Home (presuming they also have large multi-day, -week, -month wu\'s) as well as the CPDN family of projects. Have also seen Einstein wu\'s reaching into the 20-30 hour range, and QMC at 12-15 hours so likely to be of use on those projects also. Do more \"votes\" from other project help boost the priority? |
Message boards :
Cafe CPDN :
Milestones Thread
(Message 29080)
Posted 31 May 2007 by mewbysea Post: I passed the 500,000 mark this week. Celebrating with an appropriately chilled beverage as summer sets in. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Maybe it is time to cut this user off?
(Message 28017)
Posted 19 Apr 2007 by mewbysea Post: ....or at least try to get in touch? Hasn\'t returned a single wu yet, but what a queue of errors! The user only has the one computer listed on the account, but is apparently in regular contact with the servers. http://climateapps2.oucs.ox.ac.uk/cpdnboinc/show_host_detail.php?hostid=164562 Just happened across this while reviewing my wu\'s ---) |
Questions and Answers :
Windows :
Exited with zero status but no \'finished\' file?
(Message 27893)
Posted 14 Apr 2007 by mewbysea Post: Hi Sangamon, fancy meeting you here! No need to worry about that message, it should disappear again in a day or so. It is benign, if annoying. If it lasts for a few days, you can shut down BOINC and do a system reboot. That usually gets everything resynched again. |
Questions and Answers :
Wish list :
A CPDN skin for BOINC...
(Message 27777)
Posted 7 Apr 2007 by mewbysea Post: Anyone working on a CPDN skin for BOINC? Having only recently upgraded BOINC and only now getting some understanding of BOINC skins, just wondered if someone with better graphic expertise than me (which would be almost anyone!) was already headed down this road -- or if I missed such an announcement on the other boards? |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
If you need models that quickly....
(Message 25222)
Posted 22 Nov 2006 by mewbysea Post: From mo.v on the regular CPDN boards (News), 16 November 2006: I\'d be happy to finish off the last 45 years of this model if you can find a way to send it back. (It apparently tried to write to the disk at the same time the virus scanner was looking at that block. Unfortunately, no back-ups on my end -- a lesson now learned and applied, thanks to the helpful posts by Les Bayliss and others.) The model was running pretty hot in surface and ocean temp, but in the middle of the pack for precipitation. I realize it is probably an incredible pain to locate one model and its various pieces, so I truly don\'t expect it, but if you get bored one day...--) In the meantime, happily crunching away on the next model, and have boosted the CPDN resource share now that SAP has finished. |
Message boards :
Cafe CPDN :
Team Recruiting Thread - CLOSED
(Message 25077)
Posted 11 Nov 2006 by mewbysea Post: Join Team-SciFi as we begin to crunch our second million cobblestones for CPDN! |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Visual Fortran Run-time error
(Message 25067)
Posted 10 Nov 2006 by mewbysea Post: (Couldn\'t find Carl\'s post, but here\'s a reference to it: Thanks astroWX, did some searching on the classic boards from your lead. Apparently this is a not so unusual error with the coupled model, but more likely anit-virus conflict with that particular file at that time. I\'ll strike it up to bad luck and see how the other models go. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Visual Fortran Run-time error
(Message 25059)
Posted 10 Nov 2006 by mewbysea Post: I got one of these errors today FOR WU id 5335791. The model quit less than an hour later. The Results page wasn\'t much help, so I figured I\'d at least add what the error message said: Visual Fortran runtime error forrtl: severe (38): error during write, unit 8, file C:\\Program Files\\BOINC\\projectsclimateprediction\\hadcm3bm_c1af_05330810\\tmp\\pipe_dummy Image PC Routine Line Source hadcmtransum_5.0 006EC5BA Unknown Unknown Unknown hadcmtransum_5.0 006E983C Unknown Unknown Unknown hadcmtransum_5.0 0069AFCC Unknown Unknown Unknown hadcmtransum_5.0 0069B47E Unknown Unknown Unknown hadcmtransum_5.0 00683B61 Unknown Unknown Unknown hadcmtransum_5.0 004111A5 Unknown Unknown Unknown hadcmtransum_5.0 00407084 Unknown Unknown Unknown kernel32.dll 7C816FD7 Unknown Unknown Unknown |
Message boards :
Cafe CPDN :
Milestones Thread
(Message 24313)
Posted 16 Sep 2006 by mewbysea Post: Passed 200,000 in CPDN this week. Thanks to Carl, Miles, Tolu, and the rest of the crew for a smooth running, continually interesting, and computationally challenging project. Makes all the crunching fun! |
Questions and Answers :
Windows :
computer is overcommitted
(Message 20741)
Posted 25 Feb 2006 by mewbysea Post: Hi Michael, Can you be more specific about your problem? The log you show indicates CPDN is crunching your sulphur model. The computers listed on your account all seem to be sending in data. One computer does not seem to be active at all, but I\'m not sure it would be crunching sulphur units from August. I\'d recommend that you change your preferences to allow the model to remain in memory - that means you don\'t loose what you\'ve crunched between trickles when you use the computer for other chores. Don\'t worry about the \"overcommitted\" part, it sorts out in a day ot two. |
Questions and Answers :
Windows :
Account Ids
(Message 20138)
Posted 12 Feb 2006 by mewbysea Post: Andrew, You will have a unique account ID for each project. If you are using the same user name and e-mail address on each project, the cross-project ID will link your accounts for stats purposes. |
Message boards :
Cafe CPDN :
Team Recruiting Thread - CLOSED
(Message 20137)
Posted 12 Feb 2006 by mewbysea Post: Make a difference for this world and have fun exploring others -- join Team SciFi |
Questions and Answers :
Getting started :
resend account id?
(Message 15013)
Posted 9 Aug 2005 by mewbysea Post: Hi David, Be sure your account reflects your current e-mail addresss, then log out of the "your account" section on the CPDN webpage. When you try to log in again, there should be an option to request a lost account ID. It will be sent to your e-mail of record, and that will let you add the second computer. Happy crunching! <img border="0" src="http://boinc.mundayweb.com/one/stats.php?userID=105&prj=4" /> |
Questions and Answers :
Wish list :
BOINC should recognize server notices and delay contact
(Message 12490)
Posted 10 May 2005 by mewbysea Post: > You should post this on the BOINC forum, at Berkley uni. > > Les > Good idea Les. Done. |
Questions and Answers :
Wish list :
BOINC should recognize server notices and delay contact
(Message 12457)
Posted 10 May 2005 by mewbysea Post: Oover th last day, CPDN was having some server problems, and, when able to allow BOINC to connect, provided this information: climateprediction.net - 2005-05-09 19:41:10 - Sending request to scheduler: http://climateapps2.oucs.ox.ac.uk/cpdnboinc_cgi/cgi climateprediction.net - 2005-05-09 19:41:23 - Scheduler RPC to http://climateapps2.oucs.ox.ac.uk/cpdnboinc_cgi/cgi succeeded climateprediction.net - 2005-05-09 19:41:23 - Message from server: Server has software problem climateprediction.net - 2005-05-09 19:41:23 - Project is down Unfortunately, BOINC was unable to stop itself from immediately trying to reconnect. I would like BOINC to recognize this message and delay connection for a reasonable amount of time, say 4 hours. |
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