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Posts by old_user2147

Posts by old_user2147

21) Message boards : Number crunching : Bad for CPU to run 100%, 24/7 @ 62 degrees? (Message 9795)
Posted 22 Feb 2005 by old_user2147
> That is why rocks
> are/were used in bed-warmers when central heating is/was not available, long
> time to heat up, long time to cool down.
> :)

Very interesting, since I sometimes think my bed-warmer has rocks in her head, but I've never had the guts the tell her, directly. As for the "long time to heat up" situation, I've found that some spontaneity, creativity, & ingenuity, can substantially shorten the warm -up time, but this can vary greatly on your bed-warmer's mood. But, creative persistance usually works.

I agree with your last point completely. In issues resulting in an argument, or even events perceived as a transgression on my part, whether accurately percieved, or not, my bed-warmer can take an unbelievably inordinate period of time to cool down; Sometimes lasting for days. During periods such as this, my bed-warmer's heat-up period may be extremely long & difficult, or even non-existant, with all my efforts ending temporarily in futility.

I'm in my mid 40's, and after having over 25 years experience with bed-warmers, I still find I've only come to understand, at most, maybe 70%, of how they operate. My current bed-warmer, and I, have been in an exclusive one-to-one mutual ownership situation, for almost 6 years now, and I still do not completely understand how she works.

Bed-warmers are an absolutely endlessly fascinating subject of study, for me, and I've devoted much of my adult life to this pursuit. I'm sure I'll never have a full grasp of how they function, but they enrich my life immeasurably, so I am more-than-willing to live with what I perceive as "an occasional idiosyncrasy", which I'll never understand, nor comprehend.

22) Message boards : Number crunching : How much time in the processing of 1 model ? (Message 9715)
Posted 21 Feb 2005 by old_user2147
> >G'day
> FOUND THEM he says holding said keys in the air
> regards John



Chicago Dialect: "Hey, look what I found! Let's try 'em out, & maybe we'll get lucky"!!!

23) Message boards : Number crunching : How much time in the processing of 1 model ? (Message 9714)
Posted 21 Feb 2005 by old_user2147

Now I know how non-technical ppl feel when they read one of my technically oriented posts!!!

Mo, you're absolutely right, re: The UK - American dialects.

I worked w/several Brits a few years ago, and the differences in our use of the English language bordered on startling, to say the least!!! When thier conversations were amongst themselves, and they were speaking "fast & furious", I missed around 20% of thier conversation! It's clear to me us Yanks speak "Amercanese", which varies greatly by region, and sometimes even by neighborhoods w/i the same city!

Guess ol' Winston had the definitive statement on this... ;-)


24) Message boards : Number crunching : Is there a problem with (Message 9710)
Posted 21 Feb 2005 by old_user2147
FWIW - Still no upload here yet...

25) Message boards : Number crunching : Is there a problem with (Message 9709)
Posted 21 Feb 2005 by old_user2147
> Anyone seen or heard anything about the upload problem.
> I suppose TPTB do know about it?
> Ian

TPTB = "The Powers That Be"???

26) Message boards : Number crunching : Is there a problem with (Message 9708)
Posted 21 Feb 2005 by old_user2147
> > BTW - I suspect there may be a bit more delay, then usual, in fixing the
> > upload problem, and with communication, due to the problem occuring on a
> > Friday going into a weekend. Just my suspicion.
> Can you be a bit more specific on this, please.
> If it is not a public information or you would not like to expose rumours, i
> would understand that.
> Hmm, not posting nor answering makes a lot of space for rumours anyway...

Hi Honza, sorry for the delayed reply -

No, I unfortunately do not have access to any information above that which is public to us all. I did work as a university employee, briefly, early in my career, and recently did a 9 month consulting project for a major university. While I cannot speak directly of Oxford specifically, my experience with universities is that the environment is very different than private industry, since the projects are usually non-profit, and much of the work is done by PhD students & volunteers, who are often very busy with many other matters besides just the project-at-hand. Often, even the investigators & thier assistants are busy writing funding proposals, academic papers, instructing, giving lectures & seminars (possibly involving traveling), etc., etc.

I guess this is a long way of saying the project ppl may not be aware of the prob, may not have immediate resources available in technical people or $$, or an "authorized" person may not be available to "officially" communicate any problems, or problem status. The fact that this was a weekend, makes it even more likely one of the above scenarios could occur, IMO, since its even more likely people are doing other things not project related (including enjoying thier personal lives).

So my statement was conjecture, based on my prior experiences working w/i other universities, & was not based on any "hard" info.

27) Message boards : Number crunching : Is there a problem with (Message 9647)
Posted 20 Feb 2005 by old_user2147
Hi Honza!

> We don't need people to became paranoid from deafing silence, right?

Heh - I've seen you mention, several times, of your use of English as a 2nd language.

I wouldn't ever concern yourself with this issue when communicating with us in English.

Your sentence above, is one of the BEST examples of communicating an idea using the English language, that I've seen on this forum! ;-)


BTW - I suspect there may be a bit more delay, then usual, in fixing the upload problem, and with communication, due to the problem occuring on a Friday going into a weekend. Just my suspicion.

28) Message boards : Number crunching : Bad for CPU to run 100%, 24/7 @ 62 degrees? (Message 9609)
Posted 20 Feb 2005 by old_user2147
Hi JuditHans_Barcelona

> Why can't Climateprediction and Seti@Home do the same? For this reason I am
> only running Folding@Home, because I don't like my CPU running at 100% all
> the time, especially with my laptop.
> Hans

While I can't directly answer your question, I would like to comment on laptop cpu usuage.

I think your concerns with running Distributed Computing projects on laptop computers is a valid one. My team's experience, over several years, has shown that heavy duty 24/7 DC tends to be pretty tough on the lappys. Usually the probs are thermal or HDD related. Since I've never run DC on a lappy, I can't speak from my own experience, as to whether thier was sufficent maintenance or adequate cooling measures involved in those that had probs.

But there have been a fair amount of problems, including out-right failures, when some peeps attempt to run 100% DC 24/7 over long, indefinite, periods of time on a laptop. Some lappys overheat relatively quickly, and other's have died after a year, or so, of non-stop DC.

The newer lappys may have better thermal management, & be built more robustly, so they may be more immune to the stresses of DC. But, speaking for myself, I would not personally consider a lappy as a good candidate for a 'high use' DC machine, even though the Centrino lappys, using the new Iraeli designed Pentium 'M' cpu, turn in some very impressive performance numbers!!!


BTW - My comments above are directed strictly towards laptop use only. I run my desktop machines well overclocked, and hard & heavy, stopping just short of a Chernobyl incident! ;-)

Never had a known DC related hardware problem, over the several years I've been running DC. .

29) Message boards : Number crunching : Is there a problem with (Message 9608)
Posted 20 Feb 2005 by old_user2147
Just a quick follow-up -

It's 1:00AM here in Chicago, and still no upload. I'll post to this thread if/when I notice the model in question uploads. IMO, it might be a good idea for any of us w/this problem to post when it's resolved, so anyone who may have a "real" non-server related problem will be made aware.


30) Message boards : Number crunching : Is there a problem with (Message 9575)
Posted 19 Feb 2005 by old_user2147

Got the same prob.

I recently upgraded to 4.19, & also added SETI Classic (using the CLI/SetiDriver/Setispy combo) to each machine, which is now running concurrently w/CPDN BOINC.

I thought I messed everything up last nite!!!

I feel much better now, knowing the prob is server-end, and, oestensibly, will get resolved in time!

*large sigh of relief*

31) Message boards : Number crunching : Just for fun... (Message 9331)
Posted 15 Feb 2005 by old_user2147
<b>- OT -</b>


OK. This may be bordering on thread raising-of-the-dead (thread necrophylia???), and is pretty off-topic, even though it could possibly be argued there is a tie-in, since this is a BOINC forum, &amp; BOINC could, in a way, be thought of as an outgrowth of the S@H project. I just didn't know any other place to post this, and some peeps may be interested.

S@NL (Seti Netherlands) has organized a final international SETI Classic gauntlet for the three week period, beginning 21 Feb 2005.

Fredsel has been kind enough to open up a section of the S@NL forum for public access (though I suppose one could "formally" register as a forum member, if they prefer). There's currently over a half dozen teams, representing probably several dozen countries, already signed up. If you'd like to participate: sign up as a member of an existing team - whether it be international or country-specific, add your current team, form a team, or run as an individual. The purpose is to have fun &amp; enjoy some interaction with other DC teams from different parts of the world &amp; different cultures, all sharing the same goal: The enjoyment of thier DC hobby, some friendly competition, &amp; hopefully, the furtherance of SETI science.

If you started out your DC hobby in SETI Classic, as many of us here have, and want to have a little fun with one last short run amongst many like minded peers, this is the last chance before the servers shut down for good, and the show is over. If you've never participated in a gauntlet, you may find yourself unexpectantly enjoying the competition &amp; comraderie, of a newfound activity.

I haven't yet decided if I'll join, but if I do, I'll be running under Ars-Technica Team Lamb Chop, and Ars-TLC (or any other team) would be happy to welcome any prospective participants. This is a form of inclusive competition, where the commraderie of entire group of gauntleteers, overides the competitive spirit of the individual teams. "The superset of the gauntlet supercededs the subsets of teams."


<a href="">The gauntlet homepage</a>

<a href=";page=1&amp;pp=15">The original org thread</a>

<a href="">The gauntlet thread (sign-up &amp; discusion)</a>

<a href="">The gauntlet stats board</a>

<a href="">S@NL gauntlet public forum</a>



32) Message boards : Number crunching : BOINC 4.19 (Message 9330)
Posted 15 Feb 2005 by old_user2147
@AstroWX - Thx. Even though I never poked around much in the BOINC folder, I figured BOINC must be archiving models or model data, since my newest machine had just under 1GB in data, &amp; my older high producing machine had &gt;6GB. Guess yiour suggestion is one of those things I'll have to get around to doing as time permits. thanks, again

@All- Well, 48 hrs have passed since my 4.13 ---&gt; 4.19 upgrade. All six machines seem to be nicely crunching away on all twelve models. Several models have even successfully phase transisitoned, w/o incident. No models, as of yet, have since completed &amp; uploaded, which, IMO, is the supreme test. But I feel pretty good 'bout the way things are going, and suspect things will go smoothly upon the models' completions.

33) Message boards : Number crunching : BOINC 4.19 (Message 9228)
Posted 12 Feb 2005 by old_user2147
Thanks to all for the timely &amp; kind responses to my upgrade question. I guess I may as well go for it, since 4.19 does have some additional file upload/download features, which may help insure more robust file x-fers (AKA rationalizing something to do, 'cuz I'm bored-as-a-gourd whenever my wife works these straight-thru multiple weekend shifts - You know it's pretty bad when you spend Satuday nite defragging your HDD's). :-(

The professor mentioned a major revision is due in March, but for that upgrade, I'll probably due my usual sit-on-the-sidelines for a few weeks, while the other guinea fellow crunchers adopt &amp; evaluate the new rev for a while. ;-)

So I probably won't be upgrading, after this one, for a while.

Thanks again,


BTW - I decided I'll back up the entire BOINC folder, &amp; set a Sys Restore Pt first. I'm blown away by the fact that my BOINC folders display as 4 - 6GB in size, as shown under thier 'properties'!!! Whoa baby...I've run lots of DC proj's, but this sure seems awfully large to me! Yowsa. :-0

34) Message boards : Number crunching : Prices for Climate or other Boinc projects ?? (Message 9166)
Posted 12 Feb 2005 by old_user2147
&gt; &gt; Well then, even though I've never met him, I believe I do not care for
&gt; &gt; Mr. Hobson, at all! ;-)
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Strat
&gt; Just as well you HAVEN'T met him; he's been dead for nearly 400 years.
&gt; Les


In due respect, then, I suppose I could cut him a bit of slack...

35) Message boards : Number crunching : BOINC 4.19 (Message 9165)
Posted 12 Feb 2005 by old_user2147
Well, 4.19 has been out for several weeks, now. Is the consensus good? Does it not just run, but run stably, &amp; upload well, too?

M$ released thier monthly patches Tuesday, so I'm planning to do my monthly maintainence this weekend, &amp; figured I might upgrade from 4.13 to 4.19, if all is well w/4.19. Currently, though, 4.13 seems to be doing quite well for me .

Six machines is a lot of work to undue; And 12 models is a lot of lost work to replace, if 4.19 is a dud!

So Yea or Nay???

36) Message boards : Number crunching : Bad for CPU to run 100%, 24/7 @ 62 degrees? (Message 9164)
Posted 12 Feb 2005 by old_user2147
&gt; <b>mo.v stated:</b>
&gt; I was expecting to be
&gt; told what sort of thermometer to buy and where to place it..............

Oh no...we're much too civil &amp; polite to do that! ;-)

37) Message boards : Number crunching : Bad for CPU to run 100%, 24/7 @ 62 degrees? (Message 9163)
Posted 12 Feb 2005 by old_user2147
&gt; <b>naylor83 posted:</b>
&gt; @Strat
&gt; So, I gather you overclock. I see you have some pretty high-spec computers.
&gt; Roughly what core temperature (readings) do you get when running CP?

6 - Machines, all OC'd 20 - 25%, &amp; using Zalman all copper HSF's, some modified w/hi-ouput fans. All temps expressed in degrees Celsius:

3 - P4C S478 Northwoods: High 30's - mid 40's
2 - P4E S478 Prescotts (D0 stepping): High 40's - low 50's
1 - P4E S478 Prescott (C0 stepping): Mid 50's to just touching 60.

I'm a little concerned about the last machine when summer hits. It's an excellent producer (my second best), and I may have to consider water cooling, but hate to spend the ~200+ U$D. That's about 30% of the cost of building another cruncher! (I don't use cases for my DC machines. I just connect all the stuff up while laying it out on a counter, &amp; run the whole mess thru a KVM)

38) Message boards : Number crunching : Bad for CPU to run 100%, 24/7 @ 62 degrees? (Message 9059)
Posted 10 Feb 2005 by old_user2147
&gt; <b>mo.v queried:</b>
&gt; Could I please add my name to Graham's question - how do all of you measure
&gt; the temperature?

Hi Mo &amp; Graham -

The most usually available &amp; obvious place would be somewhere in your BIOS. Many BIOS' have a section somewhere for cpu voltage, temp info, fan speeds, etc. Asus calls this section, quite appropriately, "Hardware Monitor". The disadvantage to using a motherboard's BIOS to monitor hardware is that you can't monitor it in real-time under load, since you must enter the BIOS to get the info.


Motherboard manufacturers that offer this monitoring ability, often include some software monitoring utilities that run in a M$Windows environment, &amp; display the same info as would be found in the BIOS. Most "Tier One" motherboard manufacturers (Asus, Abit, MSI, Gigabyte), and many others, offer these utilities. They'll usually be found on the CD that comes w/the motherboard, or avaliable from the manufacturer's site, for downloading. For example: Asus calls thier utility "Asus Probe", and comes on an included CD, but is also available on the web site's "support" section, also including newer versions of the utility, available for immediate download.

There also are other aftermarket utilities available too. Here's a few of the more popular: <a href="">Motherboard Monitor</a>, <a href=";lang=en&amp;pageid=3">Everest</a>, and <a href="">Sisoft Sandra</a>.

All these utilities are free, or have a free (lite) version availble. You may have to poke around the site, a bit, to find Sandra's free version. Usually these main sites lead to mirrored sites for the actual download. The latter two utilities, especially Sandra, offer many test, system identification, &amp; benchmarking utilities, besides the basic voltage, temp, &amp; fan speed info offered by Mothboard Monitor. And, (again, particliarly in Sandra's case) they will probably give you wayyyyy more system info then you've ever cared to know about your computer besides temps!!!

But there are two major caveats for temp monitoring:

1] You computer's motherboard must have the innate ability to report whatever it is you're attempting to monitor; i.e. cpu temps in this case (this is done by thermal diodes). Not all motherboards do.

2] The accuracy of monitoring can vary greatly. This applies even moreso, when using a 'third party' utility, rather than a utility supplied by the motherboard manufacturer. Motherboard Monitor may be somewhat more excessive in this case, since the user needs to manually configure the software as to which diode measurement function (cpu, mobo, case), and also what technical type of diode (3 kinds), are referenced for the different temps measured (there are, IIRC, 3 types of diodes, and 3 or 4 measuring points to be manually selected. Everest &amp; Sandra, on the other hand, will attempt to autmatically identify the diode function &amp; type, but they may also be in error, as you may, when you manually configure Motherboard Monitor.

The best set-up is generally using the software utility that came w/your motherboard (or jumping quickly to the BIOS in the case of temp monitoring) but, as I stated earlier, there is a fair amount of variance (lack of accuracy). It's just the nature of the beast.

&gt; Should everyone running cpdn 24/7 be doing this, whatever it
&gt; is?

Can't say what everyone should do, but as an overclocker, I find these (and several other) utilities indespensible. Even if running at stock specs, I would want to monitor my system, irrespective of whether it's running DC projects, or not. I'd especially want to monitor if running DC though, 'cuz DC is pretty strenuous, especially thermally, and that goes double for newer high performance systems (namely A64 &amp; Prescott). I'll also often run Sandra to help identitfy an unknown machine I'm upgrading or attempting to repair. In fact, I highly recommend running Sandra's "System Summary" under its "Information Modules" section, just to see what you've got "under the hood". You might be surprised.

Hope this helps.

Hope I haven't bored you to tears.



Ah...beaten to the punch. While I ended up composing a "War and Peace" reply, Geophi got a quick one in!!! :-0

Oh well...two for the price of one! ;-)
39) Message boards : Number crunching : Prices for Climate or other Boinc projects ?? (Message 9056)
Posted 10 Feb 2005 by old_user2147
&gt; <b>grahamd stated:</b>
&gt; It looks like Hobson's choice
&gt; and for those who don't know what Hobson's choice is- it's no choice at all.

Well then, even though I've never met him, I believe I do not care for Mr. Hobson, at all! ;-)

Thanks for the update.

40) Message boards : Number crunching : Prices for Climate or other Boinc projects ?? (Message 9038)
Posted 9 Feb 2005 by old_user2147
&gt; Every day i wish phpBB forum be back and alive!

/*sigh* :-(

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