Info | Message |
1) Questions and Answers : Windows : Cant get any WUs
Message 64327 Posted 11 Aug 2021 by Billy Ewell 1931 |
Thanks for the responses. Time to move on! |
2) Questions and Answers : Windows : Cant get any WUs
Message 64321 Posted 10 Aug 2021 by Billy Ewell 1931 |
Moderators: Could someone please comment on the probability of when Windows supported work units might become available. I see no valid purpose of letting my multiple computers (all Windows) keep hitting the server requesting tasks and to then be deferred for the standard one hour or so. Much appreciated. Bill |
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Upload failures
Message 60598 Posted 5 Jul 2019 by Billy Ewell 1931 |
Confirm please: You want us to suspend those CPDN tasks identified as safr 50 and sam 50. That is obviously easy to do on BOINC by simply hitting the SUSPEND button. However, that does not stop the transfer actions on those tasks that are already completed and in upload status. Regrets but this almost 88 year old brain is not understanding while trying to comply with instructions. Bill |
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Error while computing
Message 53423 Posted 12 Feb 2016 by Billy Ewell 1931 |
Thanks Les!!! |
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Error while computing
Message 53421 Posted 11 Feb 2016 by Billy Ewell 1931 |
One of my multi-core computers failed and will not be repaired and the following Tack IDs are provided in case you wish to retransmit the tasks now as the four have a reporting date of Dec. 2016. The already granted credits vary from 3987.46 to 4981.10 so they are well on the way to completion. All are HadAN3P-HadRM3P 19195435 19195475 19195706 19195771 Hopefully this will be beneficial. Austin, Texas USA |
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Latest HADCM3S WU's Crashing
Message 50165 Posted 14 Sep 2014 by Billy Ewell 1931 |
My last 41 tasks failed due to "computer error" at between approximately 25 to 70 seconds on an Intel i7 64 causing me to hit the "no new tasks" button about 10 hours ago. An Intel i3 64 machine is processing 4 tasks simultaneously and has been for days on end without failure but the tasks in the hopper were downloaded days ago.This machine is normally operated about 12 hours daily because of heat consideration so I have many weeks in the future to process the older CM3s'. Obviously I am repetitious in saying there is a serious problem with the newer tasks. Bill:, Austin, Texas USA |
7) Message boards : Number crunching : No work units available
Message 45442 Posted 12 Jan 2013 by Billy Ewell 1931 |
THANKS!!!!!!!!!!! |
8) Message boards : Number crunching : No work units available
Message 45439 Posted 11 Jan 2013 by Billy Ewell 1931 |
Hello Les: Any chance new tasks will be forthcoming before week-end. Otherwise,my first of 22 tasks will begin completion. No biggie; just interested. Bill |
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Account Updating!
Message 42705 Posted 28 Jul 2011 by Billy Ewell 1931 |
An appreciative THANK YOU to those affected in bringing the accounting and reporting system back to full operation. Job well done. Bill Royal Air Force Staff College, Andover Class of 1967 |
10) Message boards : Number crunching : Account Updating!
Message 42692 Posted 27 Jul 2011 by Billy Ewell 1931 |
I appreciate your interest but the problem is not one of importing data from CPDN to various reporting agencies; the problem, which obviously will be resolved in time, is that MY CPDN account has not been updated for many days, even though as stated the trickles appear to be being at least recorded but credits not added to my account totals. Anyway, all will work out and the CPDN admin/moderator troops to me have always given excellent client services. |
11) Message boards : Number crunching : Account Updating!
Message 42683 Posted 26 Jul 2011 by Billy Ewell 1931 |
[quote]If you are experiencing any problems with the CPDN project please do let us know by posting on the user support boards. Jonathan[quote] The preceding quote was taken from the main page news item. [quote]My account has not updated for 26 days. After much delay, understandbly, the trickles appear to be restored. In fact, a big dump occurred on the 25th.[quote] Bill |
12) Message boards : Number crunching : Iceworld Appeal
Message 38770 Posted 25 Jan 2010 by Billy Ewell 1931 |
Work Unit ID 6702955 has entered Iceworld at the 96.744% completion point and has been ABORTED. This is an hadsm3mh_kro0_666484788_1 task. There are others running this task that may wish to take action accordingly. |
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Iceworld Appeal
Message 38708 Posted 14 Jan 2010 by Billy Ewell 1931 |
Work Unit ID 6685534 was aborted after I belatedly discovered it had frozen in progress at 95.8% while cpu time continued to increase. Time step was likewise halted at 216040, and I noticed a couple of my wingmen had their trickles last reported at the same point. The last trickle was at about 260 hours of processing, and cpu time had advanced to 378 hours when I aborted the task; so roughly 118 hours of single cpu time was lost. Perhaps if possible it would be worthwhile to notify the other affected crunchers that they are \"spinning their cpu wheels on slick ice without any progress.\" Apparently this is an Iceworld occurence and I cannot handle the program you have outlined to rectify and report accordingly. I hope this is of some assistance and saves others lost processing time. I am glad to support this great project. |
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Formula For computing HADAM3P Credits
Message 36694 Posted 11 Apr 2009 by Billy Ewell 1931 |
Thanks to les, Hagar and Mo for all the assistance. The CPDN project is a pleasure to work with and provide support to. After some experimentation, it finally occured to me that the incremental \"granted credits\" for the hadam3p work-unit tasks are virtually almost equal to 2.75% of the numerical value of the Timestep: Currently one of my running hadam3p tasks (6312013) has a granted credit of 554.4 at the timestep value of 20160. Not scientific but it lets me monitor trickle and credit progress. And a further note: The Timestep/Credit correlation does not apply, I found out, when there is more than one phase to a work unit. I was wrong when I made a statement to the contrary in my original (corrected) posting. Bill |
15) Message boards : Number crunching : Formula For computing HADAM3P Credits
Message 36655 Posted 9 Apr 2009 by Billy Ewell 1931 |
I noticed that the basis for awarding credits for 3P work units is obviously quite different from all the other CPDN projects I have run; as an item of interest, would you explain the formula as I cannot break-the-code. Clarification I did a poor job of phrasing my question: On ALL of the CPDN work units I previously processed before HADAM3P, the \"Granted Credit\" value was always contained within the Timestep numerical value. For instance, a Timestep numerical value of 51840 would result in a granted credit of 5184. For the HADAM3P units however, there is no correlation that I can determine between the timestep and granted credit; and therefore, I cannot determine how current the incremental granted credit for a work unit is in relation to the Timestep in the Trickles. I realize the question is probably of the silly category but I enjoy on a continuing basis the progress and more detailed reporting of all my CPDN work units. Thanks for the reply. Bill |
16) Message boards : Number crunching : Formula For computing HADAM3P Credits
Message 36651 Posted 8 Apr 2009 by Billy Ewell 1931 |
I noticed that the basis for awarding credits for 3P work units is obviously quite different from all the other CPDN projects I have run; as an item of interest, would you explain the formula as I cannot break-the-code. By the way, my current inventory of 12 cpus is fully committed to CPDN in support of a most worthy scientific undertaking. Bill Austin, Texas |
17) Questions and Answers : Windows : Task Suspended; Will Not Resume
Message 33615 Posted 30 Apr 2008 by Billy Ewell 1931 |
Hi Billy (q) Concur, the amd is currently appearing to be much slower than my intel. However, I just completed hundreds of work units for a different project and the amd used about 00:08:30 to complete the same work unit while the intel used on average 00:11:05. I cannot understand the reversal of fortunes. I do not use the model screensavers; past experience and cpdn advice caused me to eliminate screensavers in total. Reference graphics animation recording: I cannot find specific reference to recording graphics under preferences but I feel positive all graphics are off. I am running the amd supported models continuously and will monitor the progress. Thanks for excellent support. Bill )q) |
18) Questions and Answers : Windows : Task Suspended; Will Not Resume
Message 33614 Posted 30 Apr 2008 by Billy Ewell 1931 |
Thank you for your observation; this however is a new laptop that was placed in BOINC service in the third week of February 2008. See my reply to message 33611. Bill |
19) Questions and Answers : Windows : Task Suspended; Will Not Resume
Message 33609 Posted 29 Apr 2008 by Billy Ewell 1931 |
I suspended my two hadam3 tasks under the TASK TAB at the 70 hour and 16 hour point but have been unable to RESUME processing. Under the Task Tab, the status shows \"suspended-computatio..\". There is no entry under Projects tab status. I am using a Vista Premium machine with 1.9 ghz dual core and 2gb of memory. Hold in memory is activated. By the way, the progress at this point on the tasks is only 14.2% and 3.2%. Should I abort and start over. The machine was shut down over night without any impact. Thanks Michael; Yes;I selected each task individuallly but the \"resume\" would not appear---only the continuing suspend. Making no sense whatsoever. My granddaughter\'s husband and I were just stabbing in the dark to find a solution and under the Activity tab of Boinc Manager we found the \"suspend\" option selected; WHICH I DID NOT INITIATE. When the \"run based on preferences\" option was selected, The Problem Was Solved. Apparently there is a software glitch there somewhere. One problem solved but I still need an administrator\'s input regarding time consumed versus progress attained.Do I continue or abort? Bill (q) |
20) Questions and Answers : Windows : Task Suspended; Will Not Resume
Message 33606 Posted 29 Apr 2008 by Billy Ewell 1931 |
I suspended my two hadam3 tasks under the TASK TAB at the 70 hour and 16 hour point but have been unable to RESUME processing. Under the Task Tab, the status shows \"suspended-computatio..\". There is no entry under Projects tab status. I am using a Vista Premium machine with 1.9 ghz dual core and 2gb of memory. Hold in memory is activated. By the way, the progress at this point on the tasks is only 14.2% and 3.2%. Should I abort and start over. The machine was shut down over night without any impact. |
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