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Posts by old_user1742

Posts by old_user1742

1) Message boards : Cafe CPDN : Competition (with prize): date of 10 million model years (Message 14683)
Posted 28 Jul 2005 by Profile old_user1742
Any more guesses? The deadline is close.
<a href="">boinc forum</a> and <a href="">United Kindom</a> team, my climate change <a href="">blog</a>.
2) Message boards : Cafe CPDN : Winner: Date for 50,000 trickling machines (Message 14112)
Posted 5 Jul 2005 by Profile old_user1742
After I posted the above, I was contacted by Crandles, I missed out by 12 minutes, you can see the <a href="">screenshot</a>.

So Egon wins, a <a href="">WOWmug</a> is on its way to him.
<a href="">boinc forum</a> and <a href="">United Kindom</a> team, my climate change <a href="">blog</a>.
3) Message boards : Cafe CPDN : Winner: Date for 50,000 trickling machines (Message 13889)
Posted 26 Jun 2005 by Profile old_user1742
That was me! So I'll be buying myself a <a href="">WOW mug</a> for work. I already have 2, but they a really good mugs so I don't mind getting another one!

<b>Please enter the other competitions on the <a href="">Participation in the experiment</a> board.</b> It costs you nothing, is a bit of "fun" and stops me being embarassed by winning my own competitions!

You can still enter:
<li><a href="">explain the purpose of</a></li>
<li><a href="">date of 10 million model years</a></li>
<li><a href="">design a T shirt</a></li>

<a href="">boinc forum</a> and <a href="">United Kindom</a> team, my climate change <a href="">blog</a>.
4) Message boards : Cafe CPDN : Competition (with prize): design a T shirt (Message 13887)
Posted 26 Jun 2005 by Profile old_user1742
As I won the <a>last competition</a>, here is one that I won't win (!)

<b><font>Design a T shirt (or polo shirt) graphic to advertise</font></b> See <a href="">here</a>

<b>I will buy a <a href="">CPDN WOWmug</a> for the best design</b>. I may also buy extra mugs for entrants with other designs I consider of a high standard. Please post to here or this <a>Thread</a> when you have a design and link to a graphic of your design or contact me and I'll arrange to have it shown on the above thread.
<a href="">boinc forum</a> and <a href="">United Kindom</a> team, my climate change <a href="">blog</a>.
5) Message boards : Cafe CPDN : Competition (with prize): date of 10 million model years (Message 13886)
Posted 26 Jun 2005 by Profile old_user1742
The competition is pick the <b><font>first date and time at which the number of model years reaches 10,000,000</font></b>. The total number of model years will be as on the <a href=""></a> home page, in the "Experiment Status" panel.

You are only allowed one guess, and entries must be posted here or to this <a href="">thread</a> before the end of July 2005.

<b>I will by a <a href="">CPDN WOWmug</a> for the closest guess.</b>

My guess is 6 December 2005, 18:00

Just to help you:
<li>5 million model years a few days before 2 March.</li>
<li>6 million model years on about 16 April.</li>
<li>7 million model years on about 16 June.</li>
<a href="">boinc forum</a> and <a href="">United Kindom</a> team, my climate change <a href="">blog</a>.
6) Message boards : Cafe CPDN : new competition: date when completed runs reaches 100,000 (Message 11733)
Posted 10 Apr 2005 by Profile old_user1742

&gt; <b>I will by a CPDN WOWmug for the closest guess.</b>

Which should be <b>I will buy a CPDN WOWmug for the closest guess.</b>
7) Message boards : Cafe CPDN : new competition: date when completed runs reaches 100,000 (Message 11727)
Posted 9 Apr 2005 by Profile old_user1742
In recognition of the number of completed runs reaching 80,000 (should happen on the night of the 9th April 2005) the next competition is:

<b>The date and time at which the number of completed runs (both BOINC and classic) reaches 100,000.</b>

You are only allowed one guess, and entries must be posted here before the end of 16th April 2005. The date and time will be as on the main page for the last time the boinc was updated.

<b>I will by a CPDN WOWmug for the closest guess.</b>

Please post your entries here or on the <a href="">cpdn forum</a>
8) Message boards : Science : Warming Atmosphere/Ocean absorbs LESS CO2 (Message 11718)
Posted 8 Apr 2005 by Profile old_user1742
<a href="">Here</a> is a paper from the Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change conference.

And here is a summary of the Hadley Centre <a href="">ocean carbon cycle models</a>.
9) Message boards : Science : Climate Change Inevitable in 21st Century (Message 11717)
Posted 8 Apr 2005 by Profile old_user1742
from <a href="">New Study Predicts Rise in Sea Levels</a>

This is a summary of the two articles.

"Climate's Point of No Return

The die may have been cast for climate change, according to two papers published in the 18 March issue of Science. Climate simulation models suggest that, regardless of human intervention, the oceans will keep fueling global warming, and sea levels will continue to rise over the next 100 years. These effects, however, are much less than expected from uncurbed greenhouse gas emissions.
Hot Zone. The world would get hotter by half a degree centigrade (light brown) even if emissions had been checked in 2000.
CREDIT: Meehl et al. (Science)

Climate scientists generally agree that global temperatures will climb as long as we keep pumping greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide into the atmosphere (Science 25 February 2005). So controlling these gases seems to be a logical way out. Set aside the daunting political challenges, however, and there's another intractable problem: thermal inertia. Because water takes longer to cool down than air does, warmed-up oceans will go on dissipating their heat even if industrial emissions are checked.
Using two advanced computer models that incorporated various climatic factors, Gerald Meehl of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado, and his colleagues tried to assess this impact. Results, averaged from the two models, suggest that even if an increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases had been halted in 2000, by 2100 the global temperature would still rise about half a degree Celsius and sea levels would still increase by about 10 centimeters just from thermal expansion. "We did not include effects from glacial melting because there is a lot of controversy surrounding it," says Meehl. "If we had, the increase in sea level would probably be twice as much."

Working with a much simpler model and plugging in rising emissions instead of steady concentrations of greenhouse gases, Tom Wigley, a senior scientist at NCAR, arrived at similar ranges for warming but a sea level rise of 25 centimeters per century. Other recent models have suggested a doubling of greenhouse gases will heat the world by 2-4 degrees, and perhaps as much as 11 degrees (ScienceNOW, 26 January) Wigley admits there are uncertainties such as the sensitivity of his model, effects of aerosols, and melting ice caps but says he has tried to factor them in.

"The basic take-home message here is that no matter what we do, climate will change substantially," says Wigley, who calls for a two-pronged approach: "We need to mitigate the problem by drastically reducing emissions and make people aware that we are stuck and have to adapt to inevitable future changes."

Others agree. "It's like being in a car," says Ron Miller, a climate scientist at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York. "Even if we take the foot off the pedal, we'll keep going for a while."

10) Message boards : Science : Public Meeting : Forecasting Climate and its Impacts Seasons to Decades Ahead (Message 11715)
Posted 8 Apr 2005 by Profile old_user1742
My confirmation arrived on Wednesday, anyone else going?
11) Message boards : Cafe CPDN : Date for 50,000 trickling machines (with prize) (Message 11501)
Posted 30 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user1742
If you haven't already entered then do so, its free and you might get a prize. Closing date is tomorrow.
12) Message boards : Cafe CPDN : Competition: explain the purpose of (Message 11345)
Posted 24 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user1742
<b>Please post entries on the ClimatePrediction <a href="">community site</a></b>

Write an article in a magazine, letter to a newspaper, blog entry or other published work, explaining what the purpose of the experiment is.

Closing date is the last day of May.

If you are publishing in a print media then please send an electronic copy. Entries in any language are accepted.

<b>I will by a CPDN WOWmug for the best published work.</b>

An extra prize for the best entry from anyone aged 18 or under (but it still has to be published, maybe in the school magazine or website).

The entries must be your own work, to which you own the copyright or can assert your authorship under EU copyright law.
13) Message boards : Cafe CPDN : Date for 50,000 trickling machines (with prize) (Message 11315)
Posted 23 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user1742
You can now enter on the cpdn <a href="">main board</a> as well.
14) Message boards : Cafe CPDN : The Moral Maze (Message 11024)
Posted 17 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user1742
Just found this on a Google search looking for something else, just a small correction

Bjorn Lomborg about his figures, $150B a year cost for Kyoto
15) Message boards : Science : Public Meeting : Forecasting Climate and its Impacts Seasons to Decades Ahead (Message 11000)
Posted 16 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user1742
&gt; Oh to be in England, now that seminars are here.
&gt; With apologies to someone. Although apparently it's NOT spring there yet.
&gt; Les

Spring arrived today, walked to the shop without coat or jumper, slightly cool breeze. Thursday and Friday are supposed to be even warmer.
16) Message boards : Number crunching : No work from project? (Message 10855)
Posted 14 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user1742
Me too.
17) Message boards : Science : Insensitive parameter set... (Message 10839)
Posted 14 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user1742
I don't think it is a cold equator for either of the run listed. Almost certainly not in the one I previously posted, I would guess that the climate is significantly drier and with less water vapour in the atmosphere the greenhouse effect is reduced.
18) Message boards : Science : Insensitive parameter set... (Message 10807)
Posted 13 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user1742
The lowest temperature/precipitation increase I know is <a href=";resultid=390188&amp;phase=AP#graph">this one</a>.
19) Message boards : Cafe CPDN : Date for 50,000 trickling machines (with prize) (Message 10804)
Posted 13 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user1742
I've just created a <a href="">competition</a> on the polling place on the <a>cpdnforum</a> for the first date at which tricking machines will reach 50,000. A prize of a CPDN WOWmag to the person with the closest date. <b>Entries only valid on that thread, so don't post them here.</b>
20) Message boards : Science : New to Global Warming / Climate Change (Message 10426)
Posted 5 Mar 2005 by Profile old_user1742
There are quite a few links now on this <a href="">thread</a>

Next 20
