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Posts by old_user114245

Posts by old_user114245

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Project has no tasks available (Message 45608)
Posted 6 Mar 2013 by old_user114245
Looks like the lack of WU's has ended. Now I am getting 3 or 4 at a time and they are processing faster than they did with my old 2 CPU configuration. Also more of them are completing without ABENDS despite the instability of Windows 8 which ABENDS 4 or 5 times a day lately, probably because of too old device drivers. I thought going to WIN 8 was going to make my system more stable, boy was I ever wrong!
I've gone from a bit over 122,000 in credits to now having over 242,000 in credits in just a couple of months so it looks like I'm finally making progress even though I am processing tasks in SETI, LHC, Rosetta, World Community Grid processing a half dozen different sub-projects, Cosmology, Einstein, Milkyway and Lattice Project in addition to Climate Predict. They each are sending dozens of WU's at a time to process (except LHC which still doesn't send a lot of work and still I have been able to process as many credits in the past 2-3 months as I had been able to in previous SEVEN YEARS I have been processing CP projects. The processing speed of my 4 CPU configuration is really amazing despite the unreliable nature of WIN 8 that has been so shaky that I have had to cease processing anything for days at a time instead of 24/7 as previously.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Project has no tasks available (Message 45258)
Posted 13 Nov 2012 by old_user114245
I'm getting frustrated. I haven't gotten any WUs for a while now. The last dozen or more that I did get either crashed or hung on download so I can understand being dropped to the back of the line.
But since then I have changed from a 2 CPU board to a 4 CPU board with faster CPUs and really want to see if this will make processing these weather projects faster. But without any work to do I can't find out. Before with only 2 CPUs I would have to suspend processing on the Weather project in order to process my other BOINC projects and still have a CPU to do my work on. Now with 4 CPUs I can dedicate one to processing weather data, 2 for other BOINC projects as well as a third project that can operate on my GRU board and still have one for my own work. But I need to have something to process and with no WUs to work on I will never find out if my new configuration is of use to the weather project or not. So right now I am processing 3 BOINC projects on my CPUs, one on my GRU and a 5th project on my 4th CPU when I am not using it to do my own work yet have no weather WUs to process to see if they will work and if so how fast they can process weather WUs. My previous 2 CPU computer configuration had trouble getting the work done quickly enough. Though I have processed 133,000 units of work for the weather applications it has been stuck there for several months now. Meanwhile my SETI credits have gone from 135,000 units of work when I changed my configuration to over 227,000 in just a couple of months. While it is nice to contribute to SETI, it would be better to contribute more to the weather applications since they have more immediate impact upon how we live on this earth right now just as my contributions to World Community Grid have soared with my new configuration to over 88,750 which is primarily concentrated on Childhood Cancer studies.
Is there something I can do to get back into the good graces of the Weather projects after the dozen or more straight failures I suffered with my previous configuration? If so, what?
