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Posts by Craig W Post

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Why is Climate Prediction grabbing all the CPU time (Message 29376)
Posted 29 Jun 2007 by Craig W Post

Sorry about your original post, the database had to be restored from backup tapes, and some recent posts were lost.

It\'s not a bug, nor is it anything to do with the CPDN project itself, but with the Boinc manager (which is behaving \'as designed\').

Boinc is designed to look at the deadlines for individual workunits, and will bump up their priority if the deadline looks like it will be missed. It keeps track of the extra time, and after the work unit has been finished, it\'ll give the extra time back to the other projects (i.e., it won\'t start another CPDN work unit for a long time).

So in the long run, all projects get the appropriate share, but in the short term some may temporarily get more or less.

If you want to find out more, search for LTD (long term debt) on the boinc boards or in the documentation, or read the other posts in this thread.

No this is BS. Climate Prediction took all my system time for 2 months and completely kept SETI, Einstein, and ROSSETTA from running. This is BS. I don\'t care if in the \"LONG\" run everything gets a appropriate share if the \"LONG\" run is 2 months and running. SETI, EINSTEIN, and ROSSETTA share the system without any problems so there is a problem with either Climate Prediction or BOINC on how they calculate the correct amount of time required for its goals. If BOINC is working as designed then someone has screwed up Climate Predictions goals so that BOINC is misbehaving. Climate Prediciton worked just fine up to 2+ months ago. I will not allow Climate Prediction to take the system over for multiple months! Climate Prediction is now off of my machine until this is goal issue has been corrected!
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Why is Climate Prediction grabbing all the CPU time (Message 29365)
Posted 29 Jun 2007 by Craig W Post
I\'m running Rosetta, Climate Prediction, and Seti. And it appears that Climate Prediction is grabbing all the CPU time. The only way that I can get time for Seti and Rosetta is to suspend Climate. How do I get around this other than constantly monitoring BOINC?


My previous posting on this problem seems to have disappeared. I have the same problem as mentioned in the original message. I have run SETI for years and more recently EINSTEIN, ROSETTA, and Climate Prediction. I have permanently suspended Climate Prediction since BOINC seems to give it all the time on my machine. If this problem is ever fixed and I find out that it has been fixed, I will then allow Climate Prediction to run on my system. This is is a bug and a disruptive one at best. I have SETI, Einstein, and ROSETTA running on my machine without any problems. It seems to me that Climate Prediction should be able to share the machine with these projects in a like manner. Climate Prediction has lost my machine permanently until this bug has been fixed.
