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ProfileIain Inglis
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Message 63817 - Posted: 8 Apr 2021, 17:05:47 UTC - in response to Message 63811.  

[mikey wrote:] Can we get a note somewhere on the website that the tasks only run on this or that kind of OS or device please. I keep asking for tasks on my Windows10 pc's but keep getting the
default delay of 3600 seconds and no tasks ever get sent to me. I have heard elsewhere that some tasks only run on 32bit Linux OS's but don't see that anywhere here on the CPDN website.

At the moment the most reliable method for my list is the applications page, as linked by Sergey Kovalchuk. The BOINC message board formatting changed a while ago to force line-wrapping, which makes the list look awful on small devices, but I'll add an operating system field at the end of each batch line which should be visible on a "proper computer".
ID: 63817 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
ProfileIain Inglis
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Message 63823 - Posted: 9 Apr 2021, 15:39:15 UTC
Last modified: 6 Jan 2022, 14:31:51 UTC

Batches 901-925

Batch Date        App.           Region         Res.    Period      Name (1st)                                  Size   OS
925   09-Dec-21   HADAM4 8.52                   N216    4 month     hadam4h_2000_209108_4_925_012125676         2016   Linux
924   25-Nov-21   HADAM4 8.52                   N216    4 month     hadam4h_1000_209108_4_924_012123576         2100   Linux
923   15-Nov-21   HADAM4 8.52                   N216    4 month     hadam4h_h000_200608_4_923_012121476         2100   Linux
922   10-Nov-21   HADAM4 8.52                   N216    4 month     hadam4h_2000_209102_4_922_012119418         2058   Linux
921   25-Oct-21   HADAM4 8.52                   N216    4 month     hadam4h_1000_209102_4_921_012117318         2100   Linux
920   20-Oct-21   HADAM4 8.52                   N216    4 month     hadam4h_h000_200602_4_920_012115218         2100   Linux
919   28-Jul-21   HADCMS 8.36                           120 month   hadcm3s_a000_192012_120_919_012114080       1138   Linux, Mac
918   13-Jul-21   WAH2 8.24      SAS            50 km   13 month    wah2_sas50_s000_209112_13_918_012110860     3220   Windows
917   13-Jul-21   WAH2 8.24      SAS            50 km   13 month    wah2_sas50_s000_209112_13_917_012107710     3150   Windows
916   12-Jul-21   WAH2 8.24      SAS            50 km   13 month    wah2_sas50_s000_200312_13_916_012103010     4700   Windows
915   09-Jul-21   HADAM4 8.09                   N144    6 month     hadam4_a000_201310_6_915_012100460          2550   Linux
914   08-Jul-21   HADAM4 8.09                   N144    6 month     hadam4_a000_201310_6_914_012097565          2895   Linux
913   08-Jun-21   WAH2 8.24      EU             25 km   13 month    wah2_eu25_s000_209112_13_913_012094385      3180   Windows
912   08-Jun-21   WAH2 8.24      EU             25 km   13 month    wah2_eu25_s000_209112_13_912_012091205      3180   Windows
911   29-May-21   HADSM4 8.02                   N144    6 month     hadsm4_a000_201310_6_911_012089205          2000   Linux
910   28-May-21   HADSM4 8.02                   N144    6 month     hadsm4_a000_201310_6_910_012087205          2000   Linux
909   27-May-21   HADAM4 8.09                   N144    6 month     hadam4_a000_201310_6_909_012086155          1050   Linux
908   26-May-21   HADSM4 8.02                   N144    6 month     hadsm4_a000_201310_6_908_012084155          2000   Linux
907   25-May-21   HADSM4 8.02                   N144    6 month     hadsm4_a000_201310_6_907_012082155          2000   Linux
906   24-May-21   HADAM4 8.09                   N144    6 month     hadam4_a000_201310_6_906_012081959          196    Linux
905   15-Apr-21   HADSM4 8.02                   N144    6 month     hadsm4_a000_201310_6_905_012081659          300    Linux
904   15-Apr-21   HADSM4 8.02                   N144    6 month     hadsm4_a000_201310_6_904_012081559          100    Linux
903   15-Apr-21   HADAM4 8.52                   N216    5 month     hadam4h_2000_209105_5_903_012079459         2100   Linux
902   09-Apr-21   HADAM4 8.52                   N216    5 month     hadam4h_1000_209105_5_902_012077359         2100   Linux
901   07-Apr-21   HADAM4 8.52                   N216    5 month     hadam4h_h000_200605_5_901_012075259         2100   Linux

Batch 925: CDDHDD 2 degree NH autumn experiment: Cooling and heating degree days experiment for NH autumn under 2 degrees of warming.
Batch 924: CDDHDD 1.5 degree NH autumn experiment: Cooling and heating degree days experiment for NH autumn under 1.5 degrees of warming.
Batch 923: CDDHDD historical NH autumn experiment: Cooling and heating degree days experiment for NH autumn using OSTIA SST and Sea Ice.
Batch 922: CDDHDD 2 degree NH spring experiment: Cooling and heating degree days experiment for NH spring under 2 degrees of warming.
Batch 921: CDDHDD 1.5 degree NH spring experiment: Cooling and heating degree days experiment for NH spring under 1.5 degrees of warming.
Batch 920: CDDHDD historical NH spring experiment: Cooling and heating degree days experiment for NH spring using OSTIA SST and Sea Ice.
Batch 919: EUCP Spinup experiment: EUCP spinup exper7iment with constant pre-industrial forcings - stash test.
Batch 918: WAH2 South Asia 50km 2gen 2 degree 2091-2099: Second Generation 2 degree runs for WAH2 South Asia 50km 2091-2099 (starting dec2091).
Batch 917: WAH2 South Asia 50km 2gen 1.5 degree 2091-2099: Second Generation 1.5 degree runs for WAH2 South Asia 50km 2091-2099 (starting dec2091).
Batch 916: WAH2 South Asia 50km climatology 2003-2015: Second Generation runs for WAH2 South Asia 50km climatology for 2003-2015 (starting dec2003).
Batch 915: HadAM4 2013/14 winter, SST and sea ice diagnosed from HadSM4 (perturbed), batches , 905, 911: HadAM4 ensemble where SST and sea ice have been diagnosed from atmosphere+Slab Ocean runs (perturbed by heat conv. pattern from ECCO) from batches , 905, 911.
Batch 914: HadAM4 2013/14 winter, SST and sea ice diagnosed from HadSM4, batches , 899, 904, 910: HadAM4 ensemble where SST and sea ice have been diagnosed from atmosphere+Slab Ocean runs from batches , 899, 904, 910.
Batch 913: WAH2 Europe 25km 2gen 2 degree 2091-2099: Second Generation 2 degree runs for WAH2 Europe 25km 2091-2099 (starting dec2091).
Batch 912: WAH2 Europe 25km 2gen 2 degree 2091-2099: Second Generation 2 degree runs for WAH2 Europe 25km 2091-2099 (starting dec2091).
Batch 911: HadSM4 2013/14 winter, perturbed Q-Flux: HadSM4 ensemble where the OSTIA-calibrated heat convergence in the North Atlantic is perturbed using a pattern from the ECCO reanalysis.
Batch 910: HadSM4 2013/14 winter experiment: Ensemble for HadSM4 for OSTIA-calibrated heat convergence forcing.
Batch 909: HadAM4 2013/14 winter, SST and sea ice diagnosed from HadSM4, batch_899 and batch_904: HadAM4 ensemble where SST and sea ice have been diagnosed from an atmosphere+Slab Ocean ensemble run as part of batch_899 and batch_904.
Batch 908: HadSM4 2013/14 winter, perturbed Q-Flux: HadSM4 ensemble where the OSTIA-calibrated heat convergence in the North Atlantic is perturbed using a pattern from the ECCO reanalysis.
Batch 907: HadSM4 2013/14 winter experiment: Ensemble for HadSM4 for OSTIA-calibrated heat convergence forcing.
Batch 906: HadAM4 2013/14 winter, SST and sea ice diagnosed from HadSM4, batch_899 and batch_904: HadAM4 ensemble where SST and sea ice have been diagnosed from an atmosphere+Slab Ocean ensemble run as part of batch_899 and batch_904.
Batch 905: HadSM4 2013/14 winter, perturbed Q-Flux: HadSM4 ensemble where the OSTIA-calibrated heat convergence in the North Atlantic is perturbed using a pattern from the ECCO reanalysis.
Batch 904: HadSM4 2013/14 winter experiment: Ensemble for HadSM4 for OSTIA-calibrated heat convergence forcing.
Batch 903: CDDHDD 2 degree NH summer experiment: Cooling and heating degree days experiment for NH summer under 2 degrees of warming.
Batch 902: CDDHDD 1.5 degree NH summer experiment: Cooling and heating degree days experiment for NH summer under 1.5 degrees of warming.
Batch 901: CDDHDD historical NH summer experiment: Cooling and heating degree days experiment for NH summer using OSTIA SST and Sea Ice.
ID: 63823 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
ProfileIain Inglis
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Message 64910 - Posted: 6 Jan 2022, 14:35:12 UTC
Last modified: 31 Dec 2022, 16:15:38 UTC

Batches 926-950

Batch Date        App.           Region         Res.    Period      Name (1st)                                      Size   OS
950   20-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_1981050100_123_950_12166644   1000   Linux
949   14-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          15 month    oifs_43r3_bl_a000_2016092300_15_949_12166394    250    Linux
948   08-Dec-22   HADCMS 8.36                           168 month   hadcm3s_27qx_200012_168_948_012166214           180    Mac
947   29-Nov-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_2000_2021050100_123_947_12165089   1125   Linux
946   29-Nov-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_1000_2021050100_123_946_12164089   1000   Linux
945   28-Nov-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_2021050100_123_945_12163089   1000   Linux
944   25-Nov-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0001_2021050100_123_944_12163084   5      Linux
943   25-Nov-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          15 month    oifs_43r3_bl_k028_2016092300_15_943_12163082    2      Linux
942   24-Nov-22   HADCMS 8.36                           168 month   hadcm3s_27qx_200012_168_942_012162902           180    Mac
941   16-Nov-22   HADSM4 8.02                   N144    3 month     hadsm4_a000_201312_3_941_012160817              2085   Linux
940   15-Nov-22   HADSM4 8.02                   N144    2 month     hadsm4_a000_201401_2_940_012158732              2085   Linux
939   14-Nov-22   HADSM4 8.02                   N144    1 month     hadsm4_a000_201402_1_939_012156647              2085   Linux
938   11-Nov-22   HADSM4 8.02                   N144    4 month     hadsm4_a000_201311_4_938_012154562              2085   Linux
937   18-Oct-22   HADSM4 8.02                   N144    2 month     hadsm4_a000_201401_2_937_012154412              150    Linux
936   11-Aug-22   WAH2 8.24      NZ             25 km   25 month    wah2_nz25_a000_198605_25_936_012149762          4650   Windows
935   21-Jul-22   HADSM4 8.02                   N144    6 month     hadsm4_a000_201310_6_935_012146762              3000   Linux
934   15-Jul-22   HADSM4 8.02                   N144    12 month    hadsm4_a000_201310_12_934_012146462             300    Linux
933   11-Jul-22   HADSM4 8.02                   N144    6 month     hadsm4_a000_201310_6_933_012143462              3000   Linux
932   08-Jun-22   HADAM4 8.52                   N216    5 month     hadam4h_a000_200011_5_932_012141012             2450   Linux
931   07-Jun-22   HADAM4 8.52                   N216    5 month     hadam4h_a000_200011_5_931_012138562             2450   Linux
930   03-May-22   HADCMS 8.36                           132 month   hadcm3s_17q2_201412_132_930_012137906           656    Mac
929   06-Apr-22   HADAM4 8.09                   N144    13 month    hadam4_a000_200010_13_929_012135338             2568   Linux
928   05-Apr-22   HADAM4 8.09                   N144    13 month    hadam4_a000_200010_13_928_012132770             2568   Linux
927   04-Feb-22   HADCMS 8.36                           168 month   hadcm3s_17q2_200012_168_927_012130231           2539   Mac
926   04-Jan-22   HADCMS 8.36                           168 month   hadcm3s_17q2_200012_168_926_012127692           2539   Linux, Mac

Batch 950: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 1981: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 949: Test Main - 250 Workunits: Test Main - 250 Workunits.
Batch 948: HadCM3S 4C historical integration: HadCM3S HIS 20YR PPE 9 * ICP 10.
Batch 947: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 2021: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 946: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 2021: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 945: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 2021: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 944: 43r3 t159 l60 psurf batch: Jamie Perturbed Surface batch.
Batch 943: 43r3 t159 l91 bl test: 43r3 t159 l91 bl test.
Batch 942: HadCM3S 4C historical integration: HadCM3S HIS 20YR PPE 9 * ICP 10.
Batch 941: HadSM4 2012/13 perfect model forecast: start forecast in 2013-12-01: Ensemble for HadSM4 to forecast itself for the year 2012/13 from control run xpkxp representing 2013-10/2014-09, aimed at February 2013. Here: start in 2013-12-01.
Batch 940: HadSM4 2012/13 perfect model forecast: start forecast in 2014-01-01: Ensemble for HadSM4 to forecast itself for the year 2012/13 from control run xpkxp representing 2013-10/2014-09, aimed at February 2013. Here: start in 2014-01-01.
Batch 939: HadSM4 2012/13 perfect model forecast: start forecast in 2014-02-01: Ensemble for HadSM4 to forecast itself for the year 2012/13 from control run xpkxp representing 2013-10/2014-09, aimed at February 2013. Here: start in 2014-02-01.
Batch 938: HadSM4 2012/13 perfect model forecast: start forecast in 2013-11-01: Ensemble for HadSM4 to forecast itself for the year 2012/13 from control run xpkxp representing 2013-10/2014-09, aimed at February 2013. Here: start in 2013-11-01.
Batch 937: HadSM4 1991/92 perfect model forecast: Jan: Ensemble for HadSM4 to forecast itself for the year 1991/92 from control run representing 2013-10/2014-09, aimed at February 1992. Here: start in 1992-01.
Batch 936: WAH2 New Zealand 25km 1986-2018: WAH2 New Zealand 25km climatology for 1986-2018 (starting May 1986).
Batch 935: HadSM4 2013/14 winter experiment, fixed, perturbed Q-Flux: Ensemble for HadSM4 for OSTIA-calibrated (fixed ancils) heat convergence forcing. Heat convergence in the North Atlantic is perturbed using a pattern (2013-14 minus 2011-12) from the ECCO reanalysis.
Batch 934: HadSM4 2013/14 winter experiment, ECCO: Ensemble for HadSM4 for ECCO heat convergence forcing.
Batch 933: HadSM4 2013/14 winter experiment, fixed: Ensemble for HadSM4 for OSTIA-calibrated (fixed ancils) heat convergence forcing.
Batch 932: ArctiCONNECT PAMIP_SST_SIC exp1.6 experiment N216: ArctiCONNECT PAMIP_SST_SIC exp1.6 experiment batch N216.
Batch 931: ArctiCONNECT PAMIP_SST_SIC exp1.1 experiment N216: ArctiCONNECT PAMIP_SST_SIC exp1.1 experiment batch N216.
Batch 930: HadCM3S 4C historical integration: HadCM3S Main Experiment.
Batch 929: ArctiCONNECT PAMIP_SST_SIC exp1.6 experiment N144: ArctiCONNECT PAMIP_SST_SIC exp1.6 experiment batch N144.
Batch 928: ArctiCONNECT PAMIP_SST_SIC exp1.1 experiment N144: ArctiCONNECT PAMIP_SST_SIC exp1.1 experiment batch N144.
Batch 927: HadCM3S 4C historical integration: HadCM3S Main Experiment.
Batch 926: HadCM3S 4C historical integration: HadCM3S Main Experiment.
ID: 64910 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
ProfileIain Inglis
Volunteer moderator

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Message 67170 - Posted: 31 Dec 2022, 16:18:39 UTC

Batches 951-975

Batch Date        App.           Region         Res.    Period      Name (1st)                                      Size   OS
975   23-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_2006050100_123_975_12191644   1000   Linux
974   23-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_2005050100_123_974_12190644   1000   Linux
973   23-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_2004050100_123_973_12189644   1000   Linux
972   23-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_2003050100_123_972_12188644   1000   Linux
971   23-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_2002050100_123_971_12187644   1000   Linux
970   22-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_2001050100_123_970_12186644   1000   Linux
969   22-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_2000050100_123_969_12185644   1000   Linux
968   22-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_1999050100_123_968_12184644   1000   Linux
967   22-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_1998050100_123_967_12183644   1000   Linux
966   22-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_1997050100_123_966_12182644   1000   Linux
965   22-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_1996050100_123_965_12181644   1000   Linux
964   22-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_1995050100_123_964_12180644   1000   Linux
963   22-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_1994050100_123_963_12179644   1000   Linux
962   22-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_1993050100_123_962_12178644   1000   Linux
961   21-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_1992050100_123_961_12177644   1000   Linux
960   21-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_1991050100_123_960_12176644   1000   Linux
959   21-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_1990050100_123_959_12175644   1000   Linux
958   21-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_1989050100_123_958_12174644   1000   Linux
957   21-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_1988050100_123_957_12173644   1000   Linux
956   21-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_1987050100_123_956_12172644   1000   Linux
955   21-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_1986050100_123_955_12171644   1000   Linux
954   21-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_1985050100_123_954_12170644   1000   Linux
953   21-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_1984050100_123_953_12169644   1000   Linux
952   20-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_1983050100_123_952_12168644   1000   Linux
951   20-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_1982050100_123_951_12167644   1000   Linux

Batch 975: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 2006: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 974: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 2005: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 973: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 2004: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 972: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 2003: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 971: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 2002: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 970: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 2001: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 969: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 2000: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 968: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 1999: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 967: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 1998: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 966: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 1997: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 965: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 1996: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 964: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 1995: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 963: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 1994: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 962: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 1993: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 961: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 1992: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 960: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 1991: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 959: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 1990: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 958: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 1989: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 957: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 1988: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 956: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 1987: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 955: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 1986: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 954: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 1985: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 953: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 1984: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 952: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 1983: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 951: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 1982: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
ID: 67170 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
ProfileIain Inglis
Volunteer moderator

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Joined: 16 Jan 10
Posts: 1084
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RAC: 1,786
Message 67176 - Posted: 31 Dec 2022, 16:56:42 UTC
Last modified: 24 Jun 2024, 15:19:52 UTC

Batches 976-1000

Batch Date        App.           Region         Res.    Period      Name (1st)                                      Size   OS
1000  03-Dec-23   OpenIFS 43r3                          5 month     oifs_43r3_l255_k000_2016092300_5_1000_12229961  5      Linux
999   03-Dec-23   OpenIFS 43r3                          5 month     oifs_43r3_c95_0000_2016092300_5_999_12229957    4      Linux
998   03-Dec-23   OpenIFS 43r3                          5 month     oifs_43r3_c95_0000_2016092300_5_998_12229953    4      Linux
997   03-Dec-23   OpenIFS 43r3                          5 month     oifs_43r3_c159_k000_2016092300_5_997_12229948   5      Linux
996   05-Oct-23   WAH2 8.24      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_a000_198512_24_996_012223548         6400   Windows
995   24-Jun-24   WAH2 8.24      NZ             25 km   25 month    wah2_nz25_2000_209005_25_995_012294827          3150   Windows      [Batch split.]
995   11-Jul-23   WAH2 8.24      NZ             25 km   25 month    wah2_nz25_2000_209005_25_995_012220398          3150   Windows
994   23-Jun-23   WAH2 8.24      EAS            25 km   25 month    wah2_eas25_a000_198611_25_994_012215438         4960   Windows
993   24-Feb-23   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_0000_2019110100_123_993_12213438      2000   Linux
992   20-Feb-23   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_0000_2019110100_123_992_12213287      151    Linux
991   13-Feb-23   OpenIFS 43r3                          15 month    oifs_43r3_bl_a000_2016092300_15_991_12206787    6500   Linux
990   09-Feb-23   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_2021050100_123_990_12206644   143    Linux
989   25-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_2020050100_123_989_12205644   1000   Linux
988   25-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_2019050100_123_988_12204644   1000   Linux
987   24-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_2018050100_123_987_12203644   1000   Linux
986   24-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_2017050100_123_986_12202644   1000   Linux
985   24-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_2016050100_123_985_12201644   1000   Linux
984   24-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_2015050100_123_984_12200644   1000   Linux
983   24-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_2014050100_123_983_12199644   1000   Linux
982   24-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_2013050100_123_982_12198644   1000   Linux
981   24-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_2012050100_123_981_12197644   1000   Linux
980   24-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_2011050100_123_980_12196644   1000   Linux
979   24-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_2010050100_123_979_12195644   1000   Linux
978   23-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_2009050100_123_978_12194644   1000   Linux
977   23-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_2008050100_123_977_12193644   1000   Linux
976   23-Dec-22   OpenIFS 43r3                          123 month   oifs_43r3_ps_0000_2007050100_123_976_12192644   1000   Linux

Batch 1000: OIFS 43r3 TC Karl T255: OpenIFS 43r3. TC Karl, high resolution test.
Batch 999: oifs 43r3 tco95 l91 2016: OpenIFS 43R3 TC Karl.
Batch 998: oifs 43r3 tco95 l91 2016: OpenIFS 43R3 TC Karl.
Batch 997: OIFS 43r3 TC Karl Tco159: OpenIFS 43r3. TC Karl, high resolution test.
Batch 996: WAH2 East Asia 25km 1986-2018: WAH2 East Asia 25km climatology for 1986-2018 (starting May 1986).
Batch 995: WAH2 NZ 25km 2K, 11 July 2023, HAPPI 2K WAH2 NZ 25km climatology for 2090-2100.
Batch 994: WAH2 East Asia 25km 1986-2018: WAH2 East Asia 25km climatology for 1986-2018 (starting May 1986).
Batch 993: OpenIFS seasonal winter 2019 NDJF: Experiment with the OpenIFS@Home 43r3 for the winter 2019/2020 to identify the importance of the strong Indian Ocean Dipole on the Northern Hemisphere extreatropics. The ensemble size is used to get an estimate of the variability of the teleconnection.
Batch 992: Batch 992: Tim Hempels failed: Experiment with the OpenIFS@Home 43r3 for the winter 2019/2020 to identify the importance of the strong Indian Ocean Dipole on the Northern Hemisphere: n/a.
Batch 991: Baroclinic lifecycle - idealised background state comparison: Baroclinic lifecycle - idealised background state comparison.
Batch 990: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 2021: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 989: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 2020: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 988: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 2019: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 987: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 2018: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 986: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 2017: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 985: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 2016: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 984: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 2015: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 983: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 2014: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 982: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 2013: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 981: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 2012: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 980: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 2011: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 979: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 2010: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 978: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 2009: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 977: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 2008: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
Batch 976: oifs 43r3 t159 l60 psurf 2007: OpenIFS Perturbed Surface ensemble.
ID: 67176 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
ProfileIain Inglis
Volunteer moderator

Send message
Joined: 16 Jan 10
Posts: 1084
Credit: 7,924,799
RAC: 1,786
Message 70184 - Posted: 22 Jan 2024, 19:21:04 UTC
Last modified: 9 Jan 2025, 23:56:54 UTC

Batches 1001-1025

Batch Date        App.           Region         Res.    Period      Name (1st)                                      Size   OS
1025  09-Jan-25   WAH2 8.32      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_101b_208912_24_1025_012347598        81     Windows      [Batch split.]
1025  25-Jul-24   WAH2 8.32      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_1000_208912_24_1025_012327295        5544   Windows
1024  09-Jan-25   WAH2 8.32      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_a00y_200912_24_1024_012347517        81     Windows      [Batch split.]
1024  24-Jul-24   WAH2 8.32      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_a000_200912_24_1024_012322255        5040   Windows
1023  09-Jan-25   WAH2 8.32      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_g02m_200912_24_1023_012347434        83     Windows      [Batch split.]
1023  24-Jul-24   WAH2 8.32      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_g000_200912_24_1023_012317215        5040   Windows
1022  09-Jan-25   WAH2 8.32      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_n015_200912_24_1022_012347360        74     Windows      [Batch split.]
1022  24-Jul-24   WAH2 8.32      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_n000_200912_24_1022_012312175        5040   Windows
1021  09-Jan-25   WAH2 8.32      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_h03n_200912_24_1021_012347263        97     Windows      [Batch split.]
1021  24-Jul-24   WAH2 8.32      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_h000_200912_24_1021_012306127        6048   Windows
1020  09-Jan-25   WAH2 8.32      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_a00s_198512_24_1020_012347187        76     Windows      [Batch split.]
1020  22-Jul-24   WAH2 8.32      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_a000_198512_24_1020_012301127        5000   Windows
1019  24-Jun-24   WAH2 8.24      NZ             25 km   25 month    wah2_nz25_2000_209005_25_1019_012297977         3150   Windows
1018  12-Jun-24   OpenIFS 43r3                          20 month    oifs_43r3_bl_a000_2016092300_20_1018_12288327   6500   Linux
1017  07-Jun-24   OpenIFS 43r3                          20 month    oifs_43r3_bl_a000_2016092300_20_1017_12281827   6500   Linux
1016  06-Jun-24   OpenIFS 43r3                          15 month    oifs_43r3_bl_a000_2016092300_15_1016_12281736   91     Linux
1015  15-Apr-24   WAH2 8.29      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_a000_200912_24_1015_012276696        5040   Windows
1014  11-Apr-24   WAH2 8.29      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_a000_200912_24_1014_012276636        60     Windows
1013  09-Apr-24   WAH2 8.29      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_a000_200912_24_1013_012276576        60     Windows
1012  09-Apr-24   WAH2 8.29      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_g000_200912_24_1012_012276516        60     Windows
1011  08-Apr-24   WAH2 8.24      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_a000_200912_24_1011_012276456        60     Windows
1010  08-Apr-24   WAH2 8.24      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_g000_200912_24_1010_012276396        60     Windows
1009  05-Apr-24   WAH2 8.29      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_n000_200912_24_1009_012276296        100    Windows
1008  02-Apr-24   WAH2 8.29      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_n000_200912_24_1008_012271256        5040   Windows
1007  15-Feb-24   WAH2 8.29      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_a000_198512_24_1007_012264856        6400   Windows
1006  12-Feb-24   WAH2 8.29      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_h000_200912_24_1006_012258808        6048   Windows
1005  23-Jan-24   WAH2 8.24      NZ             25 km   25 month    wah2_nz25_n000_198605_25_1005_012254158         4650   Windows
1004  16-Jan-24   WAH2 8.24      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_a000_200912_24_1004_012248110        6048   Windows
1003  16-Jan-24   WAH2 8.24      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_g000_200912_24_1003_012242062        6048   Windows
1002  15-Jan-24   WAH2 8.24      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_n000_200912_24_1002_012236014        6048   Windows
1001  15-Jan-24   WAH2 8.24      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_h000_200912_24_1001_012229966        6048   Windows

Batch 1025: P15 WAH2 East Asia 25km: P15 WAH2 East Asia 25km climatology for 2089-2101 (starting Dec 2089).
Batch 1024: AER WAH2 East Asia 25km: AER WAH2 East Asia 25km climatology for 2009-2022 (starting Dec 2009).
Batch 1023: GHG WAH2 East Asia 25km: GHG WAH2 East Asia 25km climatology for 2009-2022 (starting Dec 2009).
Batch 1022: NAT WAH2 East Asia 25km: NAT WAH2 East Asia 25km climatology for 2009-2022 (starting Dec 2009).
Batch 1021: ALL WAH2 East Asia 25km: WAH2 East Asia 25km climatology for 1986-2010 (starting Dec 1985).
Batch 1020: WAH2 East Asia 25km 1986-2010: WAH2 East Asia 25km climatology for 1986-2010 (starting Dec 1985).
Batch 1019: WAH2 NZ 25km 3K: HAPPI 3K WAH2 NZ 25km climatology for 2090-2100.
Batch 1018: Baroclinic lifecycle - idealised background state comparison: Baroclinic lifecycle - idealised background state comparison.
Batch 1017: Baroclinic lifecycle - idealised background state comparison: Baroclinic lifecycle - idealised background state comparison.
Batch 1016: Baroclinic lifecycle - idealised background state comparison: Baroclinic lifecycle - idealised background state comparison.
Batch 1015: AER WAH2 East Asia 25km: AER WAH2 East Asia 25km climatology for 2009-2022 (starting Dec 2009).
Batch 1014: AER WAH2 East Asia 25km: AER WAH2 East Asia 25km climatology for 2009-2022 (starting Dec 2009).
Batch 1013: AER WAH2 East Asia 25km: AER WAH2 East Asia 25km climatology for 2009-2022 (starting Dec 2009).
Batch 1012: GHG WAH2 East Asia 25km: GHG WAH2 East Asia 25km climatology for 2009-2022 (starting Dec 2009).
Batch 1011: AER WAH2 East Asia 25km: AER WAH2 East Asia 25km climatology for 2009-2022 (starting Dec 2009).
Batch 1010: GHG WAH2 East Asia 25km: GHG WAH2 East Asia 25km climatology for 2009-2022 (starting Dec 2009).
Batch 1009: NAT WAH2 East Asia 25km: NAT WAH2 East Asia 25km climatology for 2009 (starting Dec 2009).
Batch 1008: NAT WAH2 East Asia 25km: NAT WAH2 East Asia 25km climatology for 2009-2022 (starting Dec 2009).
Batch 1007: WAH2 East Asia 25km 1986-2018: WAH2_ri v8.29 East Asia 25km climatology for 1986-2018 (starting May 1986).
Batch 1006: ALL WAH2_ri East Asia 25km: ALL WAH2_ri v8.29 East Asia 25km climatology for 2009-2022 (starting Dec 2009). 
Batch 1005: WAH2 New Zealand 25km Natural 1986-2018: WAH2 New Zealand 25km natural climatology for 1986-2018 (starting May 1986).
Batch 1004: AER WAH2 East Asia 25km: AER WAH2 East Asia 25km climatology for 2009-2022 (starting Dec 2009).
Batch 1003: GHG WAH2 East Asia 25km: GHG WAH2 East Asia 25km climatology for 2009-2022 (starting Dec 2009).
Batch 1002: NAT WAH2 East Asia 25km: NAT WAH2 East Asia 25km climatology for 2009-2022 (starting Dec 2009).
Batch 1001: ALL WAH2 East Asia 25km: ALL WAH2 East Asia 25km climatology for 2009-2022 (starting Dec 2009).
ID: 70184 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
ProfileIain Inglis
Volunteer moderator

Send message
Joined: 16 Jan 10
Posts: 1084
Credit: 7,924,799
RAC: 1,786
Message 71126 - Posted: 26 Jul 2024, 12:02:14 UTC
Last modified: 9 Jan 2025, 23:57:52 UTC

Batches 1026-1028 (current)

Batch Date        App.           Region         Res.    Period      Name (1st)                                      Size   OS
1028  08-Jan-25   WAH2 8.24      NZ             25 km   25 month    wah2_nz25_101g_209005_25_1028_012347077         110    Windows      [Batch split.]
1028  30-Oct-24   WAH2 8.24      NZ             25 km   25 month    wah2_nz25_1000_209005_25_1028_012343927         3150   Windows
1027  09-Jan-25   WAH2 8.32      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_303o_208912_24_1027_012347769        97     Windows      [Batch split.]
1027  26-Jul-24   WAH2 8.32      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_3000_208912_24_1027_012338383        5544   Windows
1026  09-Jan-25   WAH2 8.32      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_202f_208912_24_1026_012347679        90     Windows      [Batch split.]
1026  26-Jul-24   WAH2 8.32      EAS            25 km   24 month    wah2_eas25_2000_208912_24_1026_012332839        5544   Windows

Batch 1028: WAH2 NZ 25km 1.5K: HAPPI 1.5K WAH2 NZ 25km climatology for 2090-2100.
Batch 1027: P30 WAH2 East Asia 25km: P30 WAH2 East Asia 25km climatology for 2089-2101 (starting Dec 2089).
Batch 1026: P20 WAH2 East Asia 25km: P20 WAH2 East Asia 25km climatology for 2089-2101 (starting Dec 2089).
ID: 71126 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
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