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Profile Thyme Lawn
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Message 40009 - Posted: 24 Jun 2010, 14:22:50 UTC - in response to Message 40008.  

1. The 'search for user' facility doesn't behave very predictably. (Was it there before? Can't remember.)

The user search used to be embedded (as a project customisation) on the participant profiles page. That change was missed in the upgrade and the new link was added so that there's one less thing to remember when the server is next updated.

Searching for names beginning with 'Milo' brings up a plausibly complete list. Searching for 'Iain', however, does not. Perhaps the result page needs to say 'and others ...' or it should be paginated. Trying to reduce the list size by selecting only those with a profile (or a team) produces the incorrect report 'No users match your search criteria.'

I'm not sure what the customised version did, but the current version searches for user names starting with the string you enter, ordering the results alphabetically (because the name is an indexed field) and limiting the result set to the first 100 matches. The additional filters aren't included in the database query; they're applied on the limited result set. A search for 'thy' currently finds 15 users and the filters work as expected.

2. The 'project equivalences' on the account page seem a bit odd: the version of me I'm posting from now has done one slab model. This is apparently equivalent to 1.05 'HadSM3 Complete (45-year) Runs' and 47.26 HadSM3 Model-Years. Perhaps these numbers relate to some other version of HADSM3, but I expected 1.00 and 72.

The equivalences are very roughly calculated by dividing your credit by the credit for a completed HADSM3 task. It looks like the divisor wasn't scaled up by 5% when the credit adjustment was made.
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Profile [B@H] Ray

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Message 40013 - Posted: 24 Jun 2010, 20:14:58 UTC

The Search box at the top of all pages dues not work. what ever you enter there you do a search on the word SEARCH.

Not a real problem as I think almost everyone knows to re enter there search on the search result page.
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[B^S] mavau

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Message 40060 - Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 19:40:08 UTC

I'm not sure if it's the right thread but for the past two days or so, my tasks page (results.php?userid) has been loading very slowly, if at all.
It works all right per computer (results.php?userid).

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Les Bayliss
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Message 40061 - Posted: 30 Jun 2010, 20:04:39 UTC - in response to Message 40060.  

It's been like that for a long time.
It's been reported.
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Profile JIM

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Message 40388 - Posted: 19 Aug 2010, 18:10:20 UTC

I am starting to be cautiously optimistic that the problems with the server are being fixed. While I still get the occasional “Project is Down” message when I try to log on,I am not seeing it as often as I was a week or ten day ago. Also, the WU downloading is going much better. The last 3 WU’s downloaded promptly, without any of that “you have exceeded your daily quota” nonsense. Hopefully this all means that the new server software is on the mend and is not just good luck.

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Les Bayliss
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Message 40391 - Posted: 19 Aug 2010, 20:32:46 UTC - in response to Message 40388.  

I posted a message on several threads about this, but missed this one.
So, here it is now:

Milo has done a new version compile of a couple of daemons to do with downloading, so please see if you can get new work now.

I haven't had problems since then, but you're the first other person to post about it.

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Message 40393 - Posted: 19 Aug 2010, 21:30:45 UTC

I would agree with JIM that things do seem to be going better since you posted the message about the daemon upgrades, Les. But I guess I'm holding my breath like so many others in case the improvement is illusory. I do understand that the issues have been a bit challenging for Milo.
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Profile mo.v
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Message 40971 - Posted: 4 Nov 2010, 20:34:04 UTC

Milo, when we send a private message and just enter the recipient's username (as is supposedly possible) it doesn't work. I tried to send a message to another member plus a copy to myself as this is the only way to save a sent message. I typed in mo.v as one recipient. The message couldn't be sent as this username was unknown.

When I added my user number the message was sent immediately.
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