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Message 27651 - Posted: 31 Mar 2007, 4:57:09 UTC
Last modified: 31 Mar 2007, 4:57:47 UTC

Team Democratic Party

The Democratic Party is committed to keeping our nation safe and expanding opportunity for every American. That commitment is reflected in an agenda that emphasizes the security of our nation, strong economic growth, affordable health care for all Americans, retirement security, honest government, and civil rights.

Join our Team Democratic Party by clicking here
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Message 27668 - Posted: 1 Apr 2007, 13:55:24 UTC - in response to Message 27651.  
Last modified: 1 Apr 2007, 14:28:39 UTC

Team Democratic Party

The Democratic Party is committed to keeping our nation safe and expanding opportunity for every American. That commitment is reflected in an agenda that emphasizes the security of our nation, strong economic growth, affordable health care for all Americans, retirement security, honest government, and civil rights.

Join our Team Democratic Party by clicking here

Andrew. This is not the place for a team linked to a political party. We have \'country\' teams, but they\'re not really patriotic/nationalistic, and certainly not gingoistic. This venture is an international, global, thing.
I seem to remember something in your constitution about \'all men being born equal\', but for most Americans this seems to mean \'all those with a US passport\'.
By \'OUR Nation\', you mean YOUR Nation. What about the safety and availability of opportunity for NON-AMERICANS, or do we not count? Democracy itself is far from perfect, and the American version seems to based on the right of any individual to walk all over others in order to better him/herself. What is so desirable about \'strong economic growth\', I\'ve never understood this.
It is not my intention to be deliberately insulting, but you have clearly been brainwashed by your education and your media. Honest government? Good grief, talk about naive!

[edit]Actually, having just checked, I see you have set up this team in a number of Boinc projects. It is now clear to me that you have no real commitment to this project, and you are simply a spammer wishing to post your political messages here. That is not what these boards are for.


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Message 27669 - Posted: 1 Apr 2007, 14:37:50 UTC - in response to Message 27668.  
Last modified: 1 Apr 2007, 15:29:31 UTC

Who is Andrew Tomchick?


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Message 27670 - Posted: 1 Apr 2007, 15:25:00 UTC

It\'s as well not forbidden to have a Team Democratic Party (although I won\'t join as a) european, b) green party member and c) happy team member of S.G).

I have no problem with a diversity of teams, I would only object openly racist teams or such, but I wouldn\'t even see this with a \"Team Republican Party\".

What\'s different here in regard of forum structure is, that here is no team recruitment part of the forum but a team recruitment thread, so it would heve been more appropriate to post this there. But this rule has been broken by other teams as well, I don\'t think it\'s that important.
Grüße vom Sänger
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Message 27678 - Posted: 1 Apr 2007, 19:59:45 UTC

Hi Saenger,

First of all, let me point out to any puzzled readers, that Andrew’s profile, blog, list of ‘friends’ etc disappeared from the link I posted above within 2 hours of me posting it. Wish I’d copied it. So he’s not that keen on people sussing where he’s coming from, is he?

I have no problem with a diversity of teams, either, but:

Andrew Tomchick is a party activist, a ‘Partybuilder’, whos aim is to use the Internet simply and solely to further the aims of the Democratic Party.

I quote:

”PartyBuilder is a set of online tools designed to empower Democrats to take control of the future of their party. Through technology, we\'re moving people from email and websites to canvasses and rallies.
PartyBuilder isn\'t the typical online tool set. Individual users control most of the activity – from blogging, to setting up and managing groups or activists, to organizing and managing real-world events, to fundraising, Democrats are entrusted to build the space and the Party.
Take a minute to explore the different features, then invite your friends and connect with each other to help build the Party for 2006 and beyond. PartyBuilder gives you everything you need to take online action for real-world results. “


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Message 27688 - Posted: 2 Apr 2007, 13:56:41 UTC
Last modified: 2 Apr 2007, 14:01:23 UTC

Hi all,
I can\'t see where Andrew has broken any rules, although I can see how spruiking for a political party could be classified as spam or seen as hijacking the true purpose of the forum. I certainly object to the \"Party Builder\" strategy being applied here, I think that is quite inappropriate.

Out of interest I looked at the \"Team Democratic Party\" team pages where Andrew has a web link HEREto the

Being an Australian I don\'t think I\'ll be joining the Democrats of the United States of America centric team.
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Message 27699 - Posted: 3 Apr 2007, 12:00:29 UTC

There\'s no problem about teams announcing themselves and recruiting, as long as such posts are in the appropriate section, which is in the Cafe.

The moderators are aware of this team (ie not just me).

Andrew Tomchick is a genuine cpdn cruncher with two models progressing well.
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Message 27701 - Posted: 3 Apr 2007, 12:41:17 UTC

No worries MO.

Good luck with your crunching Andrew. I still can\'t vote in your elections though (I have my own Federal elections to worry about at the end of the year)

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Message 27964 - Posted: 18 Apr 2007, 5:14:50 UTC

My name is Andrew Tomchik. I created this team for anyone who can vote in United States and is either a registered Democrat, or is interested in policies the Democratic Party has put forward. I am not an elected Democratic official, nor am I working for any officials or organizations that have ties to the Democratic Party or Democratic Candidates.

As to the claim that I am using this message as a way to strengthen the Democratic Party, the opposite is actually the truth. I have been, and will continue to urge people in the Democratic Party website blog, and other blogs to contribute to this project.
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Message 27976 - Posted: 18 Apr 2007, 16:36:54 UTC
Last modified: 18 Apr 2007, 16:53:10 UTC

OK, maybe my posts here are a bit OTT, and maybe I jumped to conclusions. The final paragraph was certainly ill-considered and, for what it\'s worth, I regret it. I was not suggesting that you had broken any rules, or that there was any need for moderation.

A close American friend e-mailed me a year or two ago hailing Barack Obama as a potential President, and a great hope for the future. I read some of his speeches, and was horrified at what appear (to me) to be extreme right-wing views, especially his declared support for US military operations overseas. During the short discussion which followed my friend argued that he had to say these things if he is to stand any chance of election. I responded, but got no further reply, and we have not spoken since. (This is a very close friend I have known all my life)

I understand that DC-ers in the US are a large pool of potential \'climate crunchers\', so I am going to stop now before I get myself into trouble again.

Happy Crunching

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Message 27991 - Posted: 19 Apr 2007, 6:55:04 UTC
Last modified: 19 Apr 2007, 6:58:54 UTC

It\'s interesting for me to note that I first joined Team England over a year ago in BBC CPDN, but then left for the prime reason that I didn\'t think people should band together for nationalistic reasons. However, I now think that censorship by admin/moderators or by each other as to what teams are appropriate is, in itself, inappropriate. If people want to join Team England, let them!

(Not trying to criticize you in any way here Andy, just using what you said to make a point) Andy said \"I see you have set up this team in a number of Boinc projects. It is now clear to me that you have no real commitment to this project.\" Well, I have set up a Team England in almost all projects, the rest by other Team England members. So my commitment to this project must be pretty low, despite my current RAC of around 6000 in the various CPDN projects (see below).

It\'s possible that the vast numbers of crunchers have no real commitment to the projects they crunch in. They don\'t really understand them, never ask for proof that their completed models are used in any way (SETI has years worth of all crunching sitting idly on a shelf I am told). Let\'s be clear - the vast numbers don\'t post anything in any forum, therefore, prima facie, they show no interest. Most crunchers attach to a projects and seem to forget that it\'s running on their computers, the vast numbers never coming to any of these forums.

And what are these forums for and who is trying to tell who what should or should not be said, apart from the rules?

If you don\'t like a team, ignore it. If you don\'t like what somebody says, ignore them.

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Message 27994 - Posted: 19 Apr 2007, 7:13:43 UTC

A lot of members belong to national teams which provide forums and/or websites in their own language, so that\'s a good thing. In fact, there are hundreds of unofficial boinc-related websites and forums for teams. A couple of our mods help provide support on French and Czech forums.

I think anybody running cpdn models is committed to the project, simply because of the size of the workunits and the effort involved in backing them up and so on.

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Message 27998 - Posted: 19 Apr 2007, 7:35:45 UTC - in response to Message 27994.  

A lot of members belong to national teams which provide forums and/or websites in their own language, so that\'s a good thing. In fact, there are hundreds of unofficial boinc-related websites and forums for teams. A couple of our mods help provide support on French and Czech forums.

I think anybody running cpdn models is committed to the project, simply because of the size of the workunits and the effort involved in backing them up and so on.

I think Team England are committed to providing over 12 million BOINC credits so far.

Sorry Team Democratic Party, seemed to go off a bit of a tangent here - but good luck to your team :)

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