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Work unit stays in status Downloading, work doesn\'t start

Work unit stays in status Downloading, work doesn\'t start

Questions and Answers : Windows : Work unit stays in status Downloading, work doesn\'t start
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Message 2671 - Posted: 2 Sep 2004, 9:47:29 UTC

I have BOINC 4.05, 20% SETI, 80% climateprediction.

SETI works fine.

climatepred downloads a work unit (seen on Messages tab, disappears from Transfers), but doesn\'t start it. The status on the Work tab stays at \"Downloading\".

I have done both Update and Reset project.
ID: 2671 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile Thyme Lawn
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Message 2692 - Posted: 2 Sep 2004, 11:35:58 UTC

Hi Sten,

The project team found a problem with one of the download servers and they've taken it off-line. Try another reset.

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Message 2945 - Posted: 4 Sep 2004, 2:25:17 UTC

I had an near identical problem a couple of days back. After resetting a few times over several days, it finally came good and stayed good. I even tried turning of seti for a while, but it just took time for it to work itself out.

Have a look at:


You have probably had a similar issue. Seems that moving to Boinc is not as smooth as they say.
ID: 2945 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

Questions and Answers : Windows : Work unit stays in status Downloading, work doesn\'t start
