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Joined: 28 Aug 06
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Message 39257 - Posted: 17 Mar 2010, 11:10:58 UTC

Benefits from participating:

*Learn about climate science and make your own climate forecast
* Use animated maps to see how the climate develops in your own individual climate model
* Be part of a lively web-based scientific community
* Create your own material for school and college projects


Climate change and our response to it are issues
of global importance.

* Food production, water resources, natural catastrophe management, ecosystems and energy demand are reliant on the climate.
* The Earth is likely to warm over the coming century but the crucial question is by how much?
* is the world’s largest climate modeling experiment to try and answer this question.

Why so many Participants?

The climate is immensely complicated. Models
can represent some aspects of the climate very
accurately, while others have to be estimated and
a whole range of estimates is possible. By running
lots of models we can try out all the possible
combinations of these estimates. This is only
possible using the internet and the computers of
the general public.

How do I Participate?

Go to and download your own personal experiment.
* Install and register the program and the model will run as a background process on your computer (it will not affect normal computing).
* Graphics packages supplied with the model will let you watch the weather patterns develop as your model runs.
* When the model has finished, data is returned to the scientists at via the internet.
* Congratulations! You have just helped predict 21st century climate!
------------------------------ is a joint research project
funded by the Natural Environment Research
Council (NERC) and the Department of Trade and
Industry’s e-Science program.
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Message boards : message board : ...we need more members! Help us!
