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Message 33785 - Posted: 15 May 2008, 20:22:39 UTC


CPDN ID: 526
SAP ID: 13836

There doesn\'t seem to be a proper forum for this problem so I chose this thread.

Earlier this month, I was issued an SAP task as the original computer failed to report. Things were going fine until...

I could no longer access the SAP site. Eventually I could, but I kept getting this message as I did earlier today:

15/05/2008 08:03:46|CPDN Seasonal Attribution Project|Message from server: Project is temporarily shut down for maintenance

Then, it seems, today, SAP was merged into CPDN and now I get these messages:

15/05/2008 10:35:34|CPDN Seasonal Attribution Project|Fetching scheduler list
15/05/2008 10:35:39|CPDN Seasonal Attribution Project|Master file download succeeded
15/05/2008 10:35:45|CPDN Seasonal Attribution Project|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user. Requesting 0 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
15/05/2008 10:35:50||Scheduler request succeeded: got 0 new tasks
15/05/2008 10:35:50||You used the wrong URL for this project
15/05/2008 10:35:50||The correct URL is
15/05/2008 10:35:50||You seem to be attached to this project twice
15/05/2008 10:35:50||We suggest that you detach projects named,
15/05/2008 10:35:50||then reattach to

15/05/2008 10:35:50||Already attached to a project named (possibly with wrong URL)
15/05/2008 10:35:50||Consider detaching this project, then trying again
15/05/2008 10:35:50||Message from server: Invalid or missing account key. Visit this project\'s web site to get an account key.

Sure enough, my CPDN.SAP work unit is now a CPDN work unit. As I already have another calculating...

Rather interesting and quite the pickle. Both units show as CPDN, I get the error, I can only find my original account on CPDN and no sign of my SAP account.

I have no desire to delete all CPDN task on my 2 computers as well as the single SAP task though the lesser evil would be cancelling the SAP task as I have no idea where it will report to now - though it is calculating at this moment (8.39% completed).

CPDN task = hadcm3iozn_cq5p_2000_80_155899670_1
SAP task = hadam3h_n_166s5_003a_0_1

CPDN task = hadam3h_n_018s4_005c_0_1 (2nd computer)

I do not wish to end up with an new id as this, likely, would split my CPID and lead to all sort of problems - something similar which occurred to me at Hydrogen@Home when their database failed and an old back-up was used resulting in the same error for myself and others. Eventually, through the efforts of the administrator, the error was corrected, the second i.d. cancelled, and my account was working properly - with only the loss of a few credits as a result.

Here, I\'d rather not lose the credits I have.

Please advise if you can combine the SAP task into my CPDN account or if I should abort the task.
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Les Bayliss
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Message 33786 - Posted: 15 May 2008, 21:29:12 UTC

SAP\'s last models were issued in December last year. It\'s apparently been decided that people have had enough time to complete them, and it\'s been shut down.
(The server was also in a remote location, and hard to work on when problems occured.)

Similar model types, but for a new experiment have ben available from the main site for several months.

Those people still slowly working on models from the old SAP project will have to complete them on the main cpdn site.
Just because the \"deadline\" is a year in the future, it doesn\'t mean that the results aren\'t needed as soon as possible. For the original SAP project, the research papers have been written.

If anything more definite becomes known, a post will be made in News and Announcements.

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Message 33787 - Posted: 15 May 2008, 21:46:31 UTC - in response to Message 33786.  

SAP\'s last models were issued in December last year. It\'s apparently been decided that people have had enough time to complete them, and it\'s been shut down....

Be that as it might have been, I still was issued the SAP work unit, from the SAP server, at the start of this month so the project was not entirely shut down. I was issued it after the original 1-year deadline for the task expired (there was no work done on the task in that year). I would suppose that the database might still be viewable somewhere in Oxford - assuming anyone has interest in looking it up (no point really).

This still does not address the issue of what I am to do with it as it is calculating and reporting but to a no-longer-existent SAP account and to no account on CPDN.

Therefore, is the work being done actually accomplishing anything if there is no place to report to?

My question still stands... do I abort the unit or is it worth the time and effort to have the task linked to my account?


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Message 33788 - Posted: 15 May 2008, 22:02:21 UTC
Last modified: 15 May 2008, 22:03:38 UTC

Still no word from the project people.
And apparently there are other unexpected side effects showing up.

As to what to do, I\'d suggest setting to No new tasks on SAP, and then Suspending any WUs still being worked on until further notice.

... I still was issued the SAP work unit, from the SAP server, at the start of this month

The server would have been re-issuing failed models, but the last News item on the front page (21 December 2007), said that no new work was being issued, and that new work would come from the main cpdn site.
Which was a hint to people to move to the main site, rather than clinging to the old site hoping for more work, for whatever reason.

I\'m sorry that you\'re having problems, but it\'s come as a shock to ALL of us.
The problem right now, is that it\'s night time in the UK, so it will be 12 hours or so before the project people return to work.
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Message 33789 - Posted: 15 May 2008, 22:03:39 UTC
Last modified: 15 May 2008, 22:04:23 UTC

What has happened is that modifications to the SAP server (which has been giving us trouble for some time) have caused a temporary failure of BOINC to connect properly. Unfortunately we are not able to connect to the server to fix this due to network problems in Oxford\'s Atmospheric Physics department.
Once the problems in Physics are sorted out I will deal with the SAP server; the earliest I would expect this to happen would be about 10 hours from now, but not much longer than that. A fix should be quite quick once I can gain access to the server, but there may be some disruption to the SAP web pages after that as more changes are made.
Meanwhile I can only apologise for the inconvenience and suggest suspending your SAP workunits for the moment as Les has mentioned.
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Message 33793 - Posted: 15 May 2008, 22:50:35 UTC - in response to Message 33789.  
Last modified: 15 May 2008, 22:51:15 UTC

...Once the problems in Physics are sorted out I will deal with the SAP server; the earliest I would expect this to happen would be about 10 hours from now, but not much longer than that. A fix should be quite quick once I can gain access to the server, but there may be some disruption to the SAP web pages after that as more changes are made. ...

Is the SAP site actually in existence? I only get redirected to CPDN when I attempt to go there.

...Meanwhile I can only apologise for the inconvenience and suggest suspending your SAP workunits for the moment as Les has mentioned.

No need to apologise.

With the reconfiguration/transmogrification of the SAP unit into a CPDN unit... strange things have happened. I can suspend the ex-SAP unit but can not do anything with the CPDN unit. What happens to the SAP now happens to the CPDN. What I attempt to do to the CPDN occurs to the SAP. So, by suspending the SAP, the CPDN also is suspended.

I suspect both units are now invalid.

No need to rush on this... it is rather interesting what has occurred.

As for still being connected to SAP - I left it so because of the CPID problems I was having. As I never expected any more work units to be issued from SAP, I didn\'t bother removing it after the CPID issue was resolved once the Hydrogen@Home issue was corrected.

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Message 33794 - Posted: 15 May 2008, 22:50:53 UTC
Last modified: 15 May 2008, 22:52:31 UTC

There\'s now a news announcement (top of Number Crunching) about this problem with instructions about what to do & what not to do. As soon as I\'ve copied that to all the news threads on all the forums, I\'ll add more technical details from Milo to explain what\'s happening.

Many thanks to Chinook and others who\'ve reported this problem. Chinook, I hope you don\'t mind that I\'ve quoted your messages in the news post!
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Message 33795 - Posted: 15 May 2008, 22:56:13 UTC - in response to Message 33793.  

Is the SAP site actually in existence? I only get redirected to CPDN when I attempt to go there. ...

It is still there. There was meant to be a temporary re-direction whilst we worked on upgrading the software on the SAP server; this was not supposed to have affected BOINC as well but things have gone a bit wrong.
I expect to have it fixed early tomorrow, though (it is just before midnight here).
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Message 33796 - Posted: 15 May 2008, 22:57:56 UTC - in response to Message 33794.  
Last modified: 15 May 2008, 23:42:53 UTC

... Chinook, I hope you don\'t mind that I\'ve quoted your messages in the news post!

Gosh! Golly! Does this mean I am published?

No problem at all. Hope you find a fix but I do not see how you can easily convert the ex-SAP-now-CPDN unit back into just an SAP unit as it seems to have melded with the prior CPDN unit.

addendum: This only occurs under the projects tab suspend. It works properly under the tasks tab suspend. I have suspended both work units for now.
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Message 33798 - Posted: 16 May 2008, 0:20:14 UTC

I didn\'t quote your name with the messages, so it\'s your messages that are famous, not you!
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Message 33800 - Posted: 16 May 2008, 3:04:41 UTC - in response to Message 33798.  

I didn\'t quote your name with the messages, so it\'s your messages that are famous, not you!

Ah, the user behind the fame. Not a bad place to be.
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Les Bayliss
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Message 33801 - Posted: 16 May 2008, 4:54:47 UTC

Searching on your name with Google, you\'re mentioned on 8260 pages.

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Message 33802 - Posted: 16 May 2008, 6:45:12 UTC - in response to Message 33801.  

Searching on your name with Google, you\'re mentioned on 8260 pages.

How interesting. I\'ve never thought to search my alias before. However, what is my fame when compared to a Les Bayliss search result of 289,000 mentions? Only 2.858%.

Interesting, on Google fr/ca there are only 8080 references compared to the 8260 at Google de/us/uk/au/es/ru and as for ChinookFöhn, there are 66 references reduced to 19 when I go to any of page 2/3/4.

Anyway, who would be interested in references to BOINC account data, statistics, and old posts - especially when so many seem to a foreign language version of the original language (English/German) data/post? Not me/myself/I. (This should screw up some the the translations)


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Message 33803 - Posted: 16 May 2008, 8:30:33 UTC

SAP is now back.
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Message 33805 - Posted: 16 May 2008, 9:20:47 UTC

That was quick work, Milo!
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Message 33809 - Posted: 16 May 2008, 15:40:35 UTC

Morning/Afternoon Everyone.

Something for you to ponder.

Both tasks remain suspended.

If I do an update on the ex-SAP task, I get sent to
If I do an update on the CPDN task, the ex-SAP task is highlighted and I am sent to

If I highlight the ex-SAP task and click the web-site button, I am sent to
If I highlight the CPDN task and click the website button, I am also sent to
Yet, in both cases, the web-site button displays as both tasks display as their project.

Hopefully I am the only user with this problem as I suspect there may only have been a few users (hopefully just myself) that were sent tasks from the SAP server in last few weeks. If you get any ideas on how to untangle this web, do let me know and I give it a try.

Not quite Alice in Wonderland but definitely ChinookFöhn in Climate Prediction dot Web.

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Message 33810 - Posted: 16 May 2008, 16:00:17 UTC


I tried to check on which models you\'re referring to but your computers are hidden on CPDN and I couldn\'t get to your SAP project account because the SAP server seems to be completely dysfunctional again. I wonder whether Milo\'s trying out more ideas before the weekend?

HADAM models from SAP come from the SAP server and send their trickles and file uploads to that same server.

HADAM models from CPDN also come from the SAP server and presumably also send their trickles and zip file uploads back to the same SAP server.

I think we\'d better wait to see what happens and what Milo says.

If I had a HADAM model, whether from SAP or CPDN, I\'d suspend it and crunch something else for the time being.
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Message 33813 - Posted: 16 May 2008, 17:43:07 UTC

Now that the SAP site is back...

SAP task: ex-SAP
CPDN task: original CPDN

The CPDN task did upload a trickle and given that I am 7 hours behind Zulu, this was sent after the SAP task was transmogrified into a CPDN task. I assume that I could resume the original CPDN work unit and it will report correctly (BOINC Manager just will not update correctly). As for the ex-SAP task...

Anyway, I\'ll await your learned opinions on the matter.

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Les Bayliss
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Message 33814 - Posted: 16 May 2008, 19:15:48 UTC

My cpdn HADAM3 models have a zip upload url of
This is one of the main cpdn site\'s uploaders (uploadoerc), and I would think that the trickles from these models would also go to the main \"cpdn\" site as well.

My 3 HADAM3 models have been uploading OK.

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Message 33816 - Posted: 16 May 2008, 19:55:31 UTC

Chinook, that CPDN task is a HADCM and it successfully sent a trickle to a CPDN server less than 24 hours ago.

From what you say, Les, the SAP server problem should only have affected people with HADAM models from the SAP project.

It looks as if the CPDN HADAM models are only created on the SAP server and after that are dealt with entirely by CPDN servers. This is fortunate as it means the problem will have affected fewer people, and fewer models will have been lost through people following Boinc manager\'s suggestions.
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