Main Site Batch Details

Batch: 522
Name: HAPPI1.5 Global with increased CO2
Description: Global model HAPPI1.5 runs with increased CO2
Domain: global
Project_Name: HAPPI
Number_of_workunits: 200
Submit_date: 2017-02-10 11:16:48
App: wah2
Owner: Hugh Baker
First_start_year: 2088
Last_start_year: 2088
UMID_start: a001
UMID_end: a05k
Tech_info: 12yr HAPPI1.5 runs using the global model with the upper bound of CO2 needed to hit 1.5
Batch_emails_on: 0
Batch_finalised: 1
Closed_date: 2017-11-22 15:59:58
Archive_status: required
Current_location: upload2
Global_stashc: xaakm_global_HAPPI_v2.stashc


Batch Statistics

Last updated on: 2017-11-22 00:06:47

Success: 141 (71%)
Fails: 105 (53%)
Hard Fail: 6 (3%)
Running: 49 (25%)
Unsent: 0 (0%)

A breakdown of successful completions by Operating System
Restricted access to batch CPU analysis