Ancil File Details

Filename: ozone_preind_N96_1879_0000Pv5.gz
Create time: 2016-08-22 12:06:29
Created by: Peter Uhe
Ancil type: ozone
Domain: atmos N96 L19
Description: Historical 1879 Ozone, which is the earliest available ozone and so taken to be preindustrial value. Data taken from previous ozone file, new ancil created with xancil.055, 32bit file little endian
Start date: 0001-01-01
End date: 0001-12-30
Data frequency: Monthly
Batches used: 504, 505, 506, d662, d664, d665, d666, d671, d674, 523, 525, d677, 534, 537, 538, 558, d705, d707, 561, 563, d714, d715, d719, 567, 568, 569, d724, 583, d741, d742, d743, d744, d745, d746, d747, d748, d750, 590, 592, d760, 601, 617, d791, 632, 644, d803, 656, d812, 660, 668, d824, 669, d830, 681, d842, 693, d844, 694, d846, d848, d857, 700, 703, 708, 710, 712, 713, 721, 722, 726, 735, 776, 780, 781, 786, 788, 789, 794, 796, 801, 807, 808, 809, 811, 814, 818, 819, 820, 822, 823, 828, 832, 840, 841, 847, 855, 859, 865, d235, d611, d612, d622, 1002, 1003, d626, 1005, d628, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1012, 1022, 1023
Scenario: preindustrial
Periodic: 1
Status: 0
Replaced by:
Archive location:

Note Status values: 0=valid, 1=replaced, 2=replaced and deprecated, 3=deleted completely, 4=archived/ not available